Chapter 3: First Quest and a new member?!

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Y/N, Kazuma, and Aqua arrived in the town of Axel, the starting point of almost every adventurer. They met a kind lady who helped them before they registered in the guild. Now, it is time for the party's first quest, are they ready for it?


"Now that we're registered as adventurers, we'll need equipments and a place to stay before we could take on our first quest," I told them.

'We only have seven thousand eris left, so we must save it wisely unless we want to sleep in a horse stable and become a  construction worker,' I thought before a familiar woman arrived in the guild.

"Ara-ara, are you done with the registration, young Y/N?" she asked as she noticed us.

"Oh, you're the one who saved us earlier! Yes, we're already registered as adventurers, but forgive me, I didn't ask your name earlier."

"Oh, I didn't tell you my name earlier, did I? In that case, I am Solar, I am running an inn near this guild, but sadly, I ran out of giant frog meat for my specialty, that's why I am here to post a request."

"Well, can my party handle your request? Please consider it as our repayment for what you did earlier," I told Solar-san.

"Really?! Thanks a lot, young Y/N! If you don't have a place to stay, you can consider my inn, I'll give you a discount!" she replied with a wink

"No, no, we cannot accept charit-" I said but she interrupted me

"It's okay. Besides, I will reward your party if you complete the quest, don't bother to argue," she replied with conviction.

"Alright, Solar-san, we will do our best!" I replied with enthusiasm

Third Person POV

"They are ignoring us," Kazuma muttered while looking at Y/N and Solar.

"Kazuma, do something! That woman will take away Y/N-kun from me!

"What do you mean? Y/N-san doesn’t belong to you, useless goddess!" Kazuma retorted, which sparked their argument again.


"What did I tell you about fighting in public, Kazuma-san and Aqua-sama?" I asked with a terrifying smile while Solar-san watched

"It's e-embarrassing!" they both squealed in fear as I unleashed my aura.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N punishing Chibi Aqua and Chibi Kazuma-

"We're sorry for causing trouble!" Aqua-san and Kazuma-san said in unison before Solar-san laughed

"Your party is interesting, young man! It's a shame that I have to leave now, anyway, don't forget to buy your equipment before you start your quest!" she told us with a wink before she left the guild.

"Our place to stay is temporarily solved, we'll just need to buy weapons and armors, but if our money isn't enough, I'll try to transfigure our clothes," I told them before I lead them towards the blacksmith to buy our weapons.

A/N: Transfigure is an act of altering/changing the form or appearance of an object, animal, or person using magic.

"Welcome! Do you want me to craft you something?" the blacksmith said after we came in.

"Good morning, my name is Y/ N. We will browse through the shop first, if you don't mind," I told him

"Go ahead!" he replied before my party looked for our own equipment.

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