
Start from the beginning

Robin: Anyways, let's go get breakfast.

Nami: Yeah, let's go.

They both went to the dining room on the ship and sat in their seats.

Sanji: Nami~ swan~ Robin Chan ~ These freshly made and soft pancakes are for you.

They both giggle, thanks Sanji.

Sanji smiled, "Anything for you, Nami Swan ~, and Robin Chan ~. Enjoy your breakfast."

Nami and Robin thanked Sanji, savoring the pancakes. Nami couldn't help but steal a glance at Luffy, wondering about the complexities beneath his carefree exterior.

Luffy: So, Nami, when are we getting to Fish-Man Island? He says not looking her in the eye.

Luffy's question hung in the air, and Nami sensed a shift in the atmosphere. She replied, "We'll be there in a few hours, Luffy. Are you excited about something specific?"

Luffy: Yeah, I can't wait to meet my friend Jinbei. He says still not looking her in the eye.

Nami: You mean the ex-warlord.

Luffy nodded, finally meeting Nami's gaze but quickly looked away, "Yeah, Jinbei helped us a lot before. I'm looking forward to seeing him again."

Nami smiled, "It'll be good to have strong allies. Let's get ready, and we'll be at Fish-Man Island soon." As they continued their breakfast, Nami couldn't help but wonder if Luffy's anticipation of meeting Jinbei was connected to the recent events she discovered.

Luffy: Yeah. He gets up from the dinner table and goes outside, which is shocking to everyone as Luffy is not the person who eats less.

Sanji: Is he okay?

Zoro: Something is wrong because he is not the person who would give up meat like that.

Nami: I'll go check up on him.

As Nami comes out, she sees Luffy sitting in his usual place on the Sunny's head. She approaches him.

Nami: Luffy, I wanna talk to you.

Luffy suddenly stands up.

Luffy: About what? He says nervously.

Luffy: Hey, could you give back the pack of cigarettes?

Nami: No! We need to talk about what's going on!

Luffy: Look, Nami, I'm sorry for almost kissing you. Please just forget about it.

Nami: It's not about that luffy. You're not acting like yourself, first, you were smoking and now, you didn't even eat properly, I don't even think that you slept last night.

Luffy: Look, Nami, I don't wanna talk about it. Saying that he gets off the Sunny's head and goes to his room.

Nami follows Luffy to his room, concern etched on her face. She gently knocks on the door, "Luffy, we're nakama, we share our troubles. Please let me in."

Nami goes into his room anyways

Luffy: "I don't want you worrying about me, Nami. It's my problem."

Nami: "Luffy, when you're hurt, we all are. We can't just ignore it. Tell me what's bothering you."

Nami: Luffy~

Luffy: It's not a big problem, I'm just your pathetic and weak captain.

Nami: No, you're not. Please tell me what's going on. I'm worried about you...

Luffy: How would you know huh?

Luffy: Please leave me alone Nami, don't make me talk about it.

*Nami sits next to Luffy and hugs him*

Luffy's eyes widen with the sudden hug from Nami.

Nami: I know that you don't want us to see you cry. Please don't hold it in and cry if you wish to no one will see you, please tell me what's going on I would like to know about it.

Luffy hugs Nami back and holds her tightly, tears from his eyes dripping on Nami's shoulder. He finally allows himself to release the emotions he has bottled up. As leans into the comforting embrace, his tears flow freely. Nami holds him close, offering silent support as he grieves the loss of his brother.

Luffy: I-I can't sleep at night; I get nightmares of him in my arms dying. M-my hands Whenever I look I always see his blood.

Luffy sniffles.

Luffy: Why did he jump in front of me?! I can't seem to protect anyone!

Nami: You know Luffy when I heard about his death I wanted to come to you right away, and how could you say that you couldn't protect anyone, You have protected every one of us since we joined your crew, and you even got Robin back if I was you I would have been scared to challenge the government like that.

Luffy wipes away his tears

Luffy: You really think so?

Nami: I know so, Luffy, we've been through a lot together. Sharing your pain doesn't make you weak. It makes our bond stronger. Trust your crew to be there for you, just like you're there for us."

Luffy looks at Nami, gratitude in his gaze.

Luffy: But I don't want to burden you.

Nami smiles softly

Nami: Luffy, you're not a burden. We're a family, and we help each other. Let us be there for you like you've been there for us.

After a while, Luffy sniffs and looks up at Nami with gratitude in his eyes.

Luffy: Thanks, Nami. I needed that. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone."

Nami nods understandingly, maintaining the trust Luffy has placed in her.

Nami: Your secret is safe with me, Luffy. Whenever you want to cry just come to me alright, I'm here for you.

Luffy: So can I have my cigarettes back now?

Nami hesitates for a moment, then hands the pack of cigarettes back to Luffy. "Just remember, Luffy, you don't have to face everything alone. We're here for you, always."

Luffy: Yeah, thanks, Nami...

Luffy: let's go outside you don't wanna be in my room for long the crew will think something else.

Nami: yeah.

They both get up and walk towards the door with Luffy putting the cigarettes in his pocket. They open the door to see the crew outside Luffy's room trying to listen to their talk.

Luffy: what are you guys doing here?

Ussop: oh! Us! We are just exercising, right guys?

The crew: yeah.

Luffy: In front of my door?

The crew: what a coincidence.

They all start to move out of there to do their jobs. Time skip they all arrive at fishman island and are trying to find each other.

To be continued

15 November 2023

Rekindled Bonds: Nami and Luffy's Unspoken FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now