Forgive Not Forget

Start from the beginning

Kevin stared at his friend "You gonna tell her about Leigh? The girl needs to know."

"Uh..." his stomach somersaulted as the words hit him. He hadn't even remembered about Leigh, all he could think was that Millie was coming and that he'd be able to see her, look into her big brown eyes and maybe even touch her. "I have to...anyways AJ is coming around tomorrow we want to take Mason to the zoo if it's ok with you two. Now that he walks...I can't believe he is one already." he quickly changed the subject, the twosome going along with him.

"I know me either, I feel like I popped him out yesterday. I'm surprised Millie didn't come to the party, she was probably with her dad." she went deep in thought, recalling the busy, yet fun birthday party. The house had been crawling with people and children. There was food for days, clowns, a jumper, a couple of animals for the kids to pet and even pool time. It had been a peaceful day and Mason, who was the smallest person there, had passed out by cake time.

Evening had fallen and the sky was slowly darkening, there was a warm breeze that flowed through Millie's open window. "So you gonna be ok with Howie in the house?" her father turned to look at her as he maneuvered his way through the twists of the hills.

"Yes dad, actually it won't be so scary knowing he's there, I mean the house has no curtains and everything is out in the open. Plus we can talk and make peace." She smiled suddenly, feeling sick to her stomach. "I hate these twists and turns, they always make me car sick." she held her stomach as she felt the bile rise to her throat.

"Well I hope peace is all you'll be making." he raised his eyebrows, hoping the joke wouldn't bring her bad memories.

Giggling she patted his shoulder "Believe me that will be all...DAD!" The gate instantly opened as they pulled up to the house, they found Kevin hauling the luggage into a dark Blue Durango, Kristen holding Mason on her hip, while Sarah and Nick made out on the porch.

"Hi guys!" she smiled and turned to her dad "You guys remember my dad. Right?" they all nodded and waved at him as she bent down into his window and kissed his cheek "No worries I'll be fine, I'll be calling you. No drinking while on duty dad!" she whispered, then smiled and kissed his cheek again.

She watched as her fathers car disappeared and turned back to the busy group. Kevin had finished organizing the luggage and now yelled at the love birds to take a break so they could get on their way. "Hey sweetie. I had forgotten your dad is a firefighter." He kissed Millie's cheek.

"Oh yeah...he's still there. At the North Hollywood station." she smiled back.

"Hi there, you look a little pale!" Kristen inspected her, just as the words came out of her mouth, Millie made a run for it.

Slamming the bathroom door as she hovered over the toilet and let out all the things she had eaten throughout the day. Her head was now pounding and her stomach was empty, fixing her shirt and taking a blob of toothpaste on her finger and rinsing her mouth, she joined the group again "I'm's just that those twist and turns really make me nauseous." she smiled sheepishly.

"Well you have Howie in case you need some help. Sure you're ok?" Kristen had apparently handed over Mason to someone else, because her hands were now occupied by her purse and another bag.

"You guys don't worry we will be fine. Have fun" Millie assured, kissing Sarah's cheek and giving her a big hug, she watched as they all hopped into the car and began towards the gate.

"Bye Howie watch her for me..." Sarah yelled sticking out of the car window.

Millie's stomach flipped as she stood still, taking a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down and get the courage to turn and face him. As she turned her eyes locked with his, instantly she smiled as she watched him holding Mason so carefully. The churning in her stomach came back and her heart was pounding quickly and increased with every step she took towards him.

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