Chapter 1

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Lexi's pov
It's been almost two months since mine and Andrew's break up.
We still talk and hang out but it's awkward. Like you get used to it to be with that person 24/7 and now I just see him at Monday or whenever we have to film videos.
And it seems like Andrew doesn't care it looks like he lost hope and he lost his feelings. I still remember his words "Whenever you're ready to come to me I'll be waiting for you." It looks like he is tired of waiting which I don't blame him for. Well it looks like we're not getting back together and I have to move on..
Andrew's pov
This last two months were hell for me! Everything It's not the same!
I hate that I can't go to Lexi and kiss her or that she can't come to my house and cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the night.
I just hate everything!
But I can't do anything about it.
Yeah I told Lexi that I'll be waiting for her but it looks like we're not getting back together and I have to move on.
Every day I go out and party with my friends and make out with girls so I can find a new relationship but nothing. I don't feel anything with them. Whenever I'm with a new girl I just imagine she's Lexi.
I try to get Lexi off my mind but I can't i love her so much. I love her to the point where I can't let her go..
Lexi's pov
I'm out with Pierson now and we're filming a YouTube video for her channel. After we filmed we got dinner at McDonalds.
P:Lex why are you not eating? You okay?
Lr:Yeah I just zoned out..
P:Is it about Andrew?
Lr:How do you know?
P:It's literally written on your face expression.
Lr:I don't know what to do Pier.
Every day I see videos of him partying and kissing other girls.
It seems like he doesn't care anymore.
P:Look Lex, Andrew probably moved on and you have to move on.
Lr:I'm trying but I can't!
Something inside me is screaming that if I move on I'll lose him forever. And I don't want to lose him again!
P:Then what is stopping you from being with him?
Lr:The internet. There problem is that me and Jeremy hang out more,  that I don't give a fuck about how Andrew feels. And things like that.
P:Lex why don't you just take a break from the internet for a little?
You need time to step on your feet and to be the happy and energetic Lexi we all know.
Lr:I'll think about it.
P:And about the Andrew situation don't listen to those ass holes who has nothing better to do.
Go be with your man!

Pierson is right I don't have to listen to haters. I ate my food Pierson drived me home and then I got my car keys and left again.
I decided to go to Andrew's house and tell him that I want to get back together with him.
I got there after 15 minutes of driving.
I knocked on the door and a girl that I've never seen opened it.
Lr:Uh hi?
??:Hi,who are you?
Lr:I'm Lexi who are you?
M:I'm Mia.
Lr:Okay Mia is Andrew here?
M:Yeah I'll tell him to come.
She went back inside and then Andrew came to the door.
A:Oh hi Lexi.
Lr:Hi uh who is that girl?
A:Oh Mia is my new girlfriend.

Lr:Oh okay, I'll just leave.
A:No no wait.
I started walking but Andrew pulled me back.
A:Why did you came here?
Lr:Nothing important.Now bye..
A:Oh..okay..bye Lex.

I got in my car and started crying.
I can't believe this! I lost him!
He moved on! And I need to move on too...
I went back home.
Layed on my bed and cried then eventually I fall asleep.

IS THIS THE END?~ENEMIES TO LOVERS(PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now