28 - Yandere Ace Merril - Headcannons [Love at first Sight]

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[ A/N / It has been a whole ass while. God. It's good to be back.

Warning: Kidnapping                        ]

■ Ace does not believe in love at first sight. Not in the slightest. It was for saps and idiots.


■Ace doesn't like to and refuses to admit he may be wrong.. but damn if you hadn't piqued his interest. He's had his fair share of Castle Rock, but being new and hot had interesting developments.

■The Cobras definitely take note of you. A new face. A pretty face in town. No partner, moved to a decent part of the melting pot that is Castle Rock. People talk, it's a small town. It wasn't long at all before they'd see you someplace with some of the local girls. Some like Eyeball would be placing bets as to see who would be the first to get you. It didn't take an idiot to see that Ace would be first. Ace was notorious for getting what he wanted. Needless to say the friendly bet they had going on died the monent Ace told them to back off. It was a bit unusual as he never gave up a good bet and satisfaction of winning. The teasing that accompanied this died down after a thinly snarky comment which was not unusual for Ace. "You keep calling me sappy, and see what happens."

■ Pray for anyone who gives you unwanted attention, good or bad. Ace was already known for being in a no good gang, imagine what would happen if people caught on to him having interest in you. A thinly veiled warning was getting off light compared to what he could do and Ace was not above a bit of roughing up should the unwise person dare hit on you or worse.. Try and ask you out.

■It doesn't matter whether or not you give into his incessant flirtations. Ace liked a good chase, it made the satisfaction of getting you all the more sweeter.

■Suggestions to take you to see a movie, go out for lunch and eventually going out in general can be touchy. Ace doesn't give up but he also doesn't give up the bad guy act. He has a reputation afterall, he knows this but it still won't stop him from getting a touch angry each time you gently turn him down.

■The cold chuckle followed by "I guess, we'll have next time then, toots." Is the last time you will hear his pleasant side.

■Because eventually the next time you leave the house is when you are lifted off the ground and taken on a spontaneous drive.

■The cobras were supposed to be getting up to no good, skipping school of course and fixing up a newly liberated vehicle from the junkyard. With Ace angrier than usual, they knew better than to go against the frightening peroxide blond.

■ Sure, they weren't kidnapping you so to speak. Ace had warned them if they hurt you but Fuzzy did not feel all that good with his hand on your mouth and arms around your squirming middle. No one dared say a word minus Ace, "Calm down sweet cheeks, we ain't going to hurt you."

Eyeball had his reservations but when he heard you cry, he tried to reason with Ace, "You sure we should be doing this, man?"

"It's the only damn way she'll talk to me. Now shut up."

Which didn't work. The drive is silent until they reached the infamous makeout spot. After which, Ace tells them to fuck off as soon as the car stops.

■ As soon as the Cobras climb out and make themselves scarse, Ace turns to you, a hand on your wrist that prevents you from vacating too. You were upset. Clearly. Ace could see the red in your eyes and the fear that made your body gently shake. Whilst he didn't want that, didn't like that, you didn't give him much of a choice.

■ Ace did what he was planning to do. With your full attention on him, he slipped a smoke in between his teeth and slipped the hand lingering on the driving wheel onto your own. 
"Look Doll, don't be scared. I didn't want to go with far, but" he produces a cloud of velvety smoke, "You don't make it easy do you?"

■You are worried something is going to happen and when he leans over to where you are huddled against the locked door, tou squeeze your eyes shut only to feel a dry kiss press into your forehead.

■You knew Ace liked you. He didn't seem genuine at first, and with the scathing things you had heard about him, you made a point if avoiding him when you could and not leading him on. Despite that, for the past few weeks, he had done nothing but give you attention. Always pulling you aside at first to talk. Throwing a flirtatious line in passing when they drove by you. Asking you out when you were alone.. Always when you were alone. The last time he had done it, had to have been the worst. In public and in full ear shot of the bar's patrons. He just couldn't get a hint. It was almost grounds for a restraining order, youe newest friend Sally had brought up.

■Time stood still as he smoked and you peaked at him again. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why won't you go out with me?" Ace rebuted.

■The only way to end whatever this is that he was doing seemed so clear. But you really didn't want to give him a chance, not then and certainly not now. But if you wanted out of this, you figured if you pretended to give in, then maybe he may get bored and leave you be. You knew the type. The pump and dumps. As soon as they get bored, they leave. Maybe it would be the same for Ace, if you could bring yourself to do it.

■Depending on the way this goes, you either end up severely dissapointed when he does not lose interest. Or, ... Ace will make it really difficult for you to stay away. He won't play nice, he'll make your friends lives miserable on the daily. He'll make a point of calling the family phone every night asking for you. Maybe he even threatens to get you fired from your part time job.

■Ultimately Ace is selfish and self absorbed when it comes to you. He won't fathom why you can't just give him a chance, mainly because if he sees something he likes and wants. He usually gets. Reputation or not, if you are able to get under his skin this deeply, it's going to have some pretty intense consequences.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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