14: Edging At The Office

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I woke up to the sound of a calm heartbeat. I fluttered my eyes open to see I was snuggled up to Jimin, lying on his chest with our legs intertwined. I was freezing since I was only in his tee and my sleep shorts, holding onto him for dear life.

He was still cooing little breaths, letting me know he was still sleeping. I didn't even know what time it was, and I didn't wanna know; I wanted to stay in this position forever. The sun shone through the little opening between my curtains, illuminating Jimin's face.

I raised my head to see his gentle features, making me smile. His body was so warm and cozy, and I couldn't stop staring at his cute eyelashes...until he opened his eyes, scaring me half to death.

I laid back down on his chest, but he squeezed me tight, peppering kisses all over the top of my head. A blush flushed my face, but I kissed his abs in return, making him flex them a bit.

"Morning, angel," Jimin coos, his voice deep and raspy.

He cupped my silk-covered ass, making me take a sharp breath in. "Morning," I murmur, hugging his waist tight.

He reached over to grab his phone off of the nightstand, checking the time. "It's almost ten-thirty...we should get up, hm?" he teases, trickling a finger up and down my spine.


"Nooo, five more minutes," I whine, snuggling into him more.

He chuckled, lightly tapping my butt. "You were attached to me the whole night, doll."

I darted my head up in worry. "D-Did you not sleep good?"

"No, I did...really good," he smirks, biting his plump bottom lip. "And how about you loud girl?"


"At least you were last night," he purrs, tapping my ass again.

"Chillll," I whine, hiding my face in his chest.

"I love teasing you, baby...Want me to make you breakfast, hm?" he asks, squeezing my ass now.

I sat up and straddled him, catching him off guard. But he slowly grabbed my hips, rubbing them softly.

I traced patterns on his abs before pushing all of my baby hairs out of my face. He reached his hands up for me to grab, which I returned. We were acting so giddy, which didn't surprise me, considering we had sex for the first time together last night.

I felt his bulge through his sweatpants, and when he readjusted his hips, I took a sharp breath in.

I was suddenly extremely horny, with my bottom lip getting stuck in between my teeth.

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