4: I Know You Feel It Too

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I got nervous and continued to mop the end of the hallway, ignoring him. Everything from Friday night ran back through my head, making a blush instantly cover my face.

"Y/N," he sing-songs, calling me again as he got closer.

Rolling my eyes, I stopped mopping and turned around to see Jimin walking towards me in a business casual outfit, his blonde locks pushed back to show his gorgeous forehead, with a smirk on his face.

I held onto my mop and gave him a small grin so that he wouldn't get suspicious of anything. He finally stopped a few feet from me, putting his hands in his pockets as he checked me out head-to-toe.

I gulped in nervousness as his eyes scanned my tight slacks and collared button-up, licking his lips.

"Nice to see you again," he murmurs, giving me a soft smile.

If he only knew it was me whom he made out with and almost had sex with on Friday night.

"Y-You, too," I stutter, trying to keep my composure as his cologne drifted my way.

He smirked at my nervousness, so I decided to put my mop away to distract myself. As my back was facing him, he grabbed my arm to try to turn me around.

"You never texted me...Why not?" he wonders, letting go of me.

"...I guess time got to me, I'm sorry. I was busy this weekend," I mutter quietly, still looking at my cart.

I was so nervous, my heart was racing through my chest. I didn't wanna run into him here...I felt like things had changed drastically between us, yet he had no idea.

"Can you turn around to me? I wanna see your beautiful face," he coos, making me blush even harder.

Why was he even on floor 12? How could he have even known I was working on this floor today...or did he happen to see me when he looked down the hall? Agreeing to his plead, I slowly turned around and looked into his dreamy eyes.

"W-Why are you down here on floor 12?" I ask shyly, ignoring his comment about my beautiful face.

"We own all three floors, doll. I was coming out of a meeting, looked down the hall, and saw you," he remarks, biting his lip for a quick moment.

His lips.

How they felt on mine; how our lips just molded together perfectly. I wanted him...but I couldn't.

"Oh, gotcha," I murmured, nodding.

"Oh, gotcha." Really, Y/N, really?

He moved closer to me, closing a little distance between us. I took a sharp breath in as he smirked at my shyness again.

"I wish you would text me, Y/N. Maybe we can go out or something," he suggests, now making my heart pound like a drum.

"I'm just a janitor, Jimin. I'm sure there's much hotter and more accomplished women in your company," I argue, shaking my head.

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