Fuck you like fire

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Thank you all so much for 75K reads?!?
Not  proofread

Tw: abuse, torture, burning, blood, knife, just a lot of painful things. (Will not be mentioned in chapter itself ⚠️)

Fun song video above
Enjoy <3

"FUCK" was heard throughout the Avengers compound.

You would think it was Tony but this time it was Nat who couldn't contain herself.
"It's okay baby" Wanda comforted Nat who was desperate to find Peter back.

To say that the Avengers were broken was an understatement. Tony rewatched every video he had received over and over again till he fell asleep. Pepper comforted herself by working on all the unopened papers in her office. And Thor called Loki to apologize, something he hadn't thought he would do in 6000 years.

"Where the fuck is Peter!" Wade yells stamping at Tony with an angry glare not looking away.
"I don't know I'm doing my best to find him" Tony answered pain underlying his voice.

"Do better" Wade yelled.
"I'M TRYING MY FUCKING HARDEST TO FIND MY SON OKAY KID. I HAVE BEEN KILLING MYSELF THINKING THIS IS MY FAULT!" Tony rambles falling back into his chair with tears rolling over his contorted face.

Soon the dreaded notification of a new video played throughout the compound. Bucky Steve, Pietro, and Natasha came out of their depressed state and prepared themselves to watch the new video together with Wade and Tony

Peter's Pov <3

"Back back back again" I hear faintly in front of me. My eyes flutter open and I look straight into Johnny's eyes who scares the living shit out of me. I realize that I'm still hanging by my wrists and find my balance back on my feet earning multiple grunts and muffled sobs.

I see Johnny talking to the camera, he is clearly in his element. "Talking about Stark's weapons..." my breath quickens as tears start rolling over my eyes.
"You really don't know it do you?!" Johnny looks intrigued realizing I didn't know where they are... yes I had seen them once when I was crawlinf through the vents but I had no idea how to get there.

"That means you're useless to us. Now we can finally kill you" Harley fills in sending a shiver down my spine.

Harley walks at me with big steps revealing the knife he hid behind his back. I fight the barbed wire earning myself nothing but pain.


Wade looked at the screen over Tony's shoulder.
"My baby..." he whispered his heart breaking at the reveal of the knife.

The whimpering and sobbing got only louder the closer Harley got to Peter.
Steve saw Wade's contorted, red stained face and held him close letting him cry on his shoulder

The screams in the background didn't make it betterz. They ended up watching the screen, with contempt rushing through their veins.


Peter felt how the knife made a big gash in his cheek... he felt how the knife hit his arms countless times. He felt the knife hit his legs innumerable times.

The barbed wire got shanked out of his aching wrists and ankles and ended up on the other side of the room, blood staining the metal.

Peter felt the knife carving into his stomach. He felt the knife carving in his back before he gave in.
His body had accepted his fate. He had accepted his destiny
Tears were found rolling down his face. Powerless...

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