You're a bitch... bitch

482 14 8

Feel free to listen to the song above <3


Peter's eyes fluttered open as he felt pain shock through his body.
He threw his head back in pain trying not to yell or cry.

"Hey Peter Parker" a known voice spit out.
"Harley?" Peter asked in disbelief.
"It's Red Ache to you! You faggot. You actually thought Mr. Stark or the Avengers gave a shit about you?!" Harley threatened.

Peter's mind took a while to process everything.

Only then he saw his bloody arms exposed to the whole world with no bandages, and he looked at his wrists and ankles tied with barbed wire.

Harley takes steps closer to tighten the wire which earned painful grunts from the much younger and smaller boy.

"See that chain around your neck? It's an Ethyl Chloride powered shock collar which means your little powers won't work... yeah I figured out your little secret... Spiderman" He sputtered with utter hatred

Peters eyes grew heavy as the shadow of Harley moved out of the room only to come back minutes later.

Harley looked with pure enjoyment at the poor boy in pain squirming on the floor.
"Lets get you on your feet shall we?" Harley laughed out loud looking at a small camera stood at the door.

Harley stepped behind the beam and pulled hard at the long barbed wire making Peter yell out in agony and pain. The poor boy was wobbling on his legs as the wire around his arms got lifted into the air making Pete stand all the way on his tip toes, with his arms above his head.


"Dear Mr. Stark, I've been informed something happened to 'Cinnamon roll'." Jarvis echoed through the living room.

Tony which was seated at his station had stopped the star wars movie they had been watching midway after figuring out the thing he missed... Peter.
Harley quickly left stating he had an emergency to attend.
And two hours later the Avengers were all chilling at the couch like nothing had happened

His breath hitches and the other Avengers assemble around Tony. They all watch in horror as the kidnapping video replays on a loop.
"I-" Tony muttered his voice threatening to break. "I could've prevented this"

"Don't say that Tones.. You couldn't have done anything" Pepper cooed hugging Tony closer.

"Mr. Stark I've received a video from 'Harley' would you like me to play it"

Tony looked at the screen with full attention as he saw his kid laid on the ground looking like shit. " Tony's hands turned into fist as emotions were bottling up.

"Harley" He muttered as the kid he thought he could trust jumped into screen.
They all watched to their disgust at how Harley tugged at the barbed wire making Peter's body shake. There was no sound just video. It was too much to even watch, and Tony wanted to turn it off when suddenly audio switched in.

"Hello Mr. Stark!" He smirked.
"I was going to have some fun with your kid but he has already done half the job himself!"" He laughed gaining the attention of the Avengers again. Dim light joined the room and they could see Peter's body better.

Only then they saw the blood streaming down his arms, some blooddrops ending on his face. The cuts on his wrists, upper arms and lower arms became visible.

The team could only watch in horror as Harley started digging his nails deep into the clear cuts revealing the most painful scream from Peter yet, tears rolled down his face.

Wanda and Bucky took a step back both looking for comfort in their lover. Steve was totally frozen his breath heavy in the silent room.

"He... He has done that to himself" Natasha choked out.
"I'm sorry kid" Tony muttered his head comfy in his arms.

They realized he was... No May had made him much more fucked up then they knew.

"All it takes is one swing and i'll humiliate him. Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll delbilitate him and if he even starts to slip I'll eliminate him.
All it takes is one wrong look and I'll- "

"Harley. We get it. Chill" Tony heard from a familiar voice.

"Johnny" he spit out.

Natasha grabbed her laptop, anger fueling though her veins, Vision was seated opposite sides of her. He was giving extra power to the laptop Nat was using. But no matter how hard she tried, it was of no use. There was no way of hacking the coordinates.

"We're going to get him back I promise" Thor muttered to Tony.
Tony grabbed the closest thing nearby, his coffee cup and threw it at a window with all force, all the shards soaring around the room.


Peter tried his best to not cry but he couldn't hold this position forever... his legs and arms were getting tired. He was going to hang by his wrists which were already cut open by the barbed wire.
Just then he felt the wire drop a little and he could stand comfortably on his feet again, leaning against the small beam behind him.

"I'm back!!" He heard the dark voice of the human torch yell out.
Peters body starts shaking at the sound of his voice. "So little Parker... You tell me where Tony Stark keeps his weapons" He spoke out moving closer with each word.

"I don't know" Pete murmured out. A displeasing answer to Johnny's ears.

The avengers on the other side of the screen watched the video closely hoping Peter wouldn't let the private information out. But even more importantly hoping he wouldn't get hurt.

"Wrong!" He screeched into Peters ear before turning up a blue button on a remote he carried with him.

Peter yelled, kicked, screamed, sobbed for help breaking the hearts of Steve, Tony and Natasha who remained at the screen and forcing themselves to keep watching.

Peters legs gave out due to the electricity running through his body on repeat. He cried until he couldn't anymore and watched closely at how Harley grabbed the remote from Johnny not satisfied with the result.

"WHERE DO THEY KEEP IT" He threatened pausing in between every word.

"I don't know" Peter cried out in pain.
Peters breath shocked along with his body as Harley turned up the electricity level.

Peter broke.
His cries for help take over the room, and the whimpering and sobbing doesn't seem to stop as his body violently shakes until he collapses  down towards the floor as much as the barbed wire allowed.

The wire ended up cutting deeper into his already broken wrists earning an heartbreaking collection of whimpers and sobs.

And with that the video ended...


Welcome back once again!
Thank you so much I hope you enjoyed

Eat something.
Take care of yourself
Take your meds if you need them
Drink something
Know you are loved
We hope to see you back
Lots and lots and lots of kisses
Lena and Manou <3

Ps: I really need to get started on the next part

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