I can.. we can

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Peters pov

I am walking to school actually more like running since i'm late when i see flash standing in front of the school. I can't deal with this today. I try to sneak past them but flash spots me and drags me behind the building..

"So PArkER late AGAIN?! Oh foolish foolish boy" i then feel several kicks everywhere i don't know who but someone grabbed my from the ground and punched me a couple times in the face.. i keep on going in and out of consiousness.. after flash and his goons go inside i lose consiousness once again.. i end up skipping whole first period and having loads of texts from ned and mj.. i walk to the toilet and fix myself up.. they must have been very mad today why tho maybe because flash didn't get the internship. Oh well i end up getting bombarded with questions from ned and mj. The day went over pretty smoothly although the pain in my ribs wouldn't go away and i didn't have any lunch either.. but overal it was fine

(Time skip by your bestay who is living by herself even if she isn't a grownup yettt) Not true..... continue please?!

I was walking towards the station god i was exited.. i was going to meet Tony Stark my idol since i was a tiny little baby. I mean i don't know why but he has always felt like the father i never really had. The bus brought me to the nearest station. i was walking when i see this man speeding past me and saying:" on you're left" wha is he sayin? Weird people. He's quick tho

I walk in the tower and quickly walk towards the receptionist after getting some weird looks from people in the lobby. I tell the receptionist everything she needs to know: " h-hi miss i'm Peter Parker i'm h-here for the i-internship?
"Right mr. parker here you go" she slides me a pass with a bit of purple on the right side.. you can go to that elevator she says as she is pointing to an elevator who is what it looks like been washed..

I walk in the elevator and jump a little when friday speaks up "mr. parker i must inform you that you have several burns probably from the fire where i saved 2 little kids. Multiple broken ribs, bruises, a broken nose, a dislocated shoulder, and a black eye.. thanks f.r.i.d.a.y for the confirmation of my thoughts i request you seek medical help immediately, would you like me to inform mr. stark?
WHa- NO N-no i-im good.. oh and c-call me peter. "Okey peter have a good day" you too friday.

I walk out of the elevator when it is at floor 79 it's like the paradise from my dream lets just not talk about it. I see multiple works that aren't finished but close to done. I then see an equation on the whiteboard and decide to fix it really quick.. when i put down the marker i hear claps behind me i quickly turn around. And there he was my idol..

Tony Fricking Stark. Aka The Best Man Alive
"I uhm i'm s-sorry mr. stark but i saw a l-little mistake"
'Eeyyy kid don't worry it was just a little test'
"A-alright then"
'So tell me a bit about yourself'
"I'm Peter i u-uh i'm pretty good in school i guess, and i'm very e-exited" and nervous
'Well lets start then right kid'

Mr.Stark and i work on a robot wich could be useful if you can't reach something and started  on an ai if friday would fail. We decided to call it Jarvis

"Lets take a break"
Alright mr. stark i responded
I walked towards my bag and looked inside to see noting exept some schoolbooks.. i swear i put some fruit in here! May!!!! Ughhh i just stopped looking and gave up i walked to the broken couch and sat down.. i saw mr. stark coming my way with a confused look on his face.. ' kid don't you have any food' "i uhm i m-may have forgotten m-mine" i looked down since i felt stupid for 'forgetting' something like this.
He then asked me to join him for dinner ME?! Stupid peter parker eating with a billionaire?! No one would believe me if i told anyone well maybe ned maybe even mj but for the rest no one.

Next thing i know im in the elevator with mr. stark and were going up to floor 87. When the doors open I'm astonished by what i see..

Sorry everyone this is a shorter chapter but i just didn't have a lot of motivation to make this longer

I'm really tired but i am going to make another chapter. Probably tomorrow though.

I kinda forgot to say this but the chapter with sexual abuse i got help from a friend since i felt very uncomfortable writing it so she wrote it for me. I was really questioning it to put it in but i want to bring some awareness to it! Anyways!

Hope to see you soon Bestays
Love you xx lena 💕

Word count: 882

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