Start from the beginning

'Sam, just do the things that you think are the best. This is about you and Mon. So, discuss with each other and do the things that you girls think the best. We believe in you, girls. Besides, you girls are big enough to make the decision and we elders can just respect it.'

Sam is quite overwhelmed by Mrs. Pohn's words. This is the first time for her to hear such words. Before this, she always needed approval from her grandmother.

"Thank you, Auntie... and I'm..."

'Please don't be sorry, Sam,' Mrs Pohn cut her words. 'You've gone through enough because of the media. It is not your fault to be sorry about, okay?'

"Okay, Auntie. Thank you again." The wave of calmness enveloped Sam's mind after she talked with Mrs. Pohn.

'And thank you for taking care of Mon. Send my regards to her.'

"Okay, I will. Have a good day, aunt." She hung up her phone and brought herself to the nearby sofa. She's aware that the younger girl is following her, but she just ignores it.

She let out a deep sigh before she took a seat and leaned her head on the headrest of the sofa.

'I need to act fast before Nita uses this scandal to her advantage.'

That's what she's been trying to do since she heard Nita was one of her rumored partners. She can't let that be. She can't let the situation favor Nita's desire.

"Sam... Sam. Sam!" It takes a while for Mon to get the older girl's attention since she seems to be in deep thought after the phone call.

"What, Mon?" She asked lazily.

"What did my mom say?"

"You heard the conversation, right?"

'Yes, but I want to hear it from you.'

Mon just ignored her thoughts since she knew she would never get it since it was Sam that she was dealing with right now.

"What's your plan for tomorrow?" Mon questioned the older girl.

"I will announce our engagement, I will announce that the girl I'm with in the picture is my fiance, and I will take legal action if needed." Suddenly, Sam remembered Mrs Pohn's words about discussing it with Mon.

While Mon already fuming after listening to the plan that involved her but not involving her in deciding that thing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't discuss it with you. So, what do you think? I think I will reveal your identity so that there's no more speculation." Sam apologized and asked for Mon's consent.

'See, she always beat me to it! How can I be angry with her for a long time?' Mon huffed at her thought.

"I will not reveal it if you don't want to," Sam stated, misunderstood Mon's reaction.

"No, no. Yes, I mean Yes." Mon clumsily wanted to clear the misunderstanding.

'Since when she becomes so considerate to me, though?' Mon is shocked at Sam's sudden consideration of her after deliberately deciding on her own just now.

"Which one is this?" Sam's forehead creased.

Mon, take a deep breath. "I mean, yes. Yes, you can reveal who am I and who am I to you. As you said, we will just invite more scandal if we keep it secret for so long."

"Okay, then." She let out a half-smile.

Both of them fall in silence, busy with their thought. That's when Mon's stomach suddenly grumbled, and it can be heard clearly since it's been silenced around them.

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