Chapter Ten.

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Sophie Wilson.

I forcefully opened my eyelids because of the sunlight and I also needed to go to the office.

Tch, sleeping with Noah is pure bliss but it is hard to get up for work, all I want to do now is to cuddle in his arms and be lazy, but life does not want me to have that.

I got up from bed while complaining before giving Noah feathered kisses on his face to make him wake up before his elder brother comes looking for him and then beat him to a pulp.

"Good morning babe". He greeted me with a kiss on my lips and I also did the same. He got up and walked to the bathroom, going to freshen up. I adjusted the sheet, and put our dirty clothes that were spread on the floor from yesterday's activity (you guys understand what I mean🤭), in the laundry.

I waited a few minutes for Noah and got in when he was out, I didn't have time to bathe with him this morning, I had a lot of meetings to attend.

By the time I was out, he was already ready to go. So I quickly put on my suit, heels, my jewelry and did my make-up. I carried my bag and walked out of the room.

I quickly make breakfast, and by breakfast, I mean toast bread, and tea

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I quickly make breakfast, and by breakfast, I mean toast bread, and tea.

I need to learn how to cook more, but Noah isn't helping or complaining. I will have sis teach me.

We are quickly headed to the garage. Noah kissed me very hard then he left a peck on my temple before driving out and I drove off too.

"Good morning ma'am ". My secretary (Lina)  greeted me as I entered the company and I just nodded and signaled for her to come to my office, this is the Wilson group that I took over from my dad from 2years ago.

" Ma you have a meeting with Steve Corp in an hour".

"Okay then, get everything ready, and bring me some orange for me". I ordered and she looked at me weirdly.

" What are you still doing and why are you looking at me that way?". I frowned.

"Ma you don't normally like orange".

" So what now I want it, just do what I asked, Tsk". I hissed and went back to doing my work as she walked out.

An hour later, we went for the meeting with Steve Corp, time rolled by with more meetings and files until it was time for lunch.

"Ma what would you like to have". Lina asked.

"just go and have your lunch, I am not hungry...". I was talking when I felt my stomach churn up and I immediately ran to the restroom to vomit.

"Are you okay ma'am?".

"Yeah, probably just ate something awful, I will finish my work quickly, and take care of the other two meetings remaining, I am not feeling so well".

" Ok, ma'am". She left and I buried myself with paperwork, I was done in a few hours, so I packed my bags and went home.

On getting home, I lay on the bed before calling Noah.

"Hey babe". He answered.

" Hey". I replied, my voice sounding a little hoarse and tired.

"What's wrong, you sound tired. Should I come to pick you up?".

"No, I am home already, and I feel a little tired and sleepy. I will just get some rest and I will be fine when I  wake up".

" Hmmm... Okay then... I am a little busy, we will talk later. Love you".  Before I could reply, he hung up and I pouted.


I felt something warm on my cheek, I opened my eyes to see Noah " You can go back to sleep, sorry for...". He was interrupted when I suddenly pushed him away and quickly ran to the toilet to vomit.

"Are you okay?". He asked, brow raised.

"Yeah, are something bad. Come on let's go to my sister's house, I am craving a lasagna".

Freya Adams.

We are finally home since morning, I am so exhausted. Mom and Mrs Dominick came to pick me up for shopping for the wedding arrangements and all, the wedding dress was already delivered to my mansion, Calvin and I went to register our marriage and the decoration of our wedding hall was taken care of.

"Why did you come here Calvin, you are becoming clingy ". I said as I opened the with the password, he insisted that he'd come because I wasn't willing to go to his.

"Do you hate...". He stopped talking and frowned she we see Noah and Sophie sitting like they owned the house.

"What do you want guys?". I asked making the turn to me, a cheeky smile on Sophie's face.

" lasagna ". She used her puppy dog eyes.

"Tsk lazy ass, you came for just food. You did not even remember that my wedding ceremony is tomorrow, Well at least let me freshen up first".

"That's not our fault, you guys are not acting like tomorrow will be your wedding ceremony ". Noah said.

I walked to my room, arranged it then, showered, and I put on a mini skirt with a crop top.

I went back down the stairs and started to make dinner. An hour later and I was done, I served everything on the table then called them to have dinner.

Noticing that Calvin was missing, I got up to look for him. He was in the backyard with a cigarette on his lip. I walked up to him and asked "You smoke?".

"Yeah, not regularly though, just to relieve some tension". True, he looks tired.

"Work?". I pulled him to sit on the 2 sitter cushion home swing, he placed his head on my shoulder and I rubbed his hair.

"Yea,h and the event of tomorrow. Freya...". He calls my name this time.


"Do you want to marry me, I know it is arranged but I think I am falling for you". He said looking directly into my eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't run away, we will get married tomorrow, But promise me we will make it work". I said.

" I promise ". He kissed me on the lips and we stood up to go have dinner.


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