
Start from the beginning

At night, I was sitting at the head of the Sunny, leaning against one of the spikes and smoking - it's a bad habit I picked up after Ace's death. As I took out my second cigarette, I felt as if someone was watching me, particularly Nami. As I lit my cigarette, I could feel her walking towards me, and I looked back at her.

Luffy: "Oh! Hey, Nami! What are you doing here?"

I said, taking a puff of smoke from the cigarette. She walked up to me and took the cigarette away.

Luffy: "Hey! Give it back."
She dropped it on the floor and stepped on it.

Nami: "Luffy, when and why did you start smoking?"
Luffy: "After his death."
She sat next to me.

Luffy: "I know it's a bad habit, but I can't let go of it. I get nervous without it."

Nami: "Why?"

Luffy: "I don't know."

Nami: "Do you want to talk about it?"

I looked at her, staring at her for a while. I couldn't bring myself to look away, she looked so beautiful, the moonlight hitting her face with the wind blowing her hair.

Nami: "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Luffy: "It's nothing." I stood up from the head of the Sunny. It was very nerve-racking; the two of us alone together. My heart was beating very fast. Thank god it was dark because I'm pretty sure I was blushing. She stood up beside me.

Nami: "Where are you going, Luffy?"

Luffy: "Nowhere. I, umm..."

I gulped. I couldn't stay there for long. I felt like my heart would come out of my body.

Nami: "Luffy, are you feeling okay?" She got close. I stepped back a bit.

Luffy: "Y-yeah, I'm o-okay." I let out a nervous chuckle.

Nami: "Are you sure, Luffy? You're stuttering."

Luffy: "Y-yeah, I'm totally okay." I gave her my usual smile. I looked for my cigarette box to smoke, but I couldn't find it.

Nami: "Looking for this?"
When did she get it, I think to myself.

Luffy: "It's not funny, Nami. Give it back."

Nami: "No, you're not smoking. It's not good for your health."

I ignored her words and tried to get it from her, but it's no use. I kept getting close to her, but she wouldn't hand it over. After a bit, I realized that we were too close together. I could hear her heartbeat, and I'm pretty sure that she could hear mine. I stared at her lips; they looked so plump. I wanted to kiss her. Without realizing, I placed my hand on her neck, pulling her in close for a kiss. Then I realized what I was doing. I quickly let go of her and got out of there.

Nami's POV
I watched as Luffy walked away, leaving me standing there, confused and slightly disappointed. His abrupt departure left me wondering about the emotions he was grappling with. As I held onto the confiscated cigarette pack, I couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and curiosity about what was going on in his mind. The encounter lingered in the air, making me question the depth of Luffy's feelings and the impact Ace's death had on him.

Later that night, as I lay in my hammock, I found it hard to shake off the image of Luffy's intense gaze. The moonlight illuminated the room, casting shadows on the walls, and my thoughts wandered back to the unexpected moment on the Sunny's deck. The complexities of Luffy's emotions seemed to mirror my own internal struggles.

Luffy's POV
I paced the deck, the sea breeze providing some solace as I grappled with the whirlwind of emotions inside me. The encounter with Nami had stirred something deep within, a desire to confront the ghosts of the past and the newfound feelings that seemed to blossom in the wake of Ace's death. Smoking had become a coping mechanism, a flawed attempt to navigate the complexities of loss.

As I stared into the vastness of the ocean, I couldn't escape the realization that I wanted to be closer to Nami. The longing was palpable, but my own insecurities held me back. The fear of vulnerability, the fear of exposing the scars left by Ace's departure, lingered like a shadow over me.

The night unfolded, and with each passing moment, the weight of unspoken words hung in the air. The moonlit rendezvous with Nami replayed in my mind, a moment suspended in time, filled with unspoken yearning and a silent acknowledgment of something more profound.

The journey ahead promised adventures and challenges, but the unresolved emotions between Nami and me added an unexpected layer to the unfolding tale of the Straw Hat Pirates.

To be continued

( btw if you wanna know when im posting a chapter go ahead and follow my tiktok or Instagram if you want and ill update my Instagram/tiktok when i post or not.

Tiktok: @cupidy1n

Instagram: @cupidy1n  )

Rekindled Bonds: Nami and Luffy's Unspoken FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now