Chapter 6: Truth Unveiled

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- "Talking"

- 'Thinking'

- Narration

-- With Y/N --

Y/N is currently sitting on a crate in the corner of the bustling public market.

Y/N: That was close.

Y/N closes his eyes and relives the encounter that happened a few minutes ago.

Few minutes earlier...

After he bid farewell to Tashigi, Y/N made his way to the market.

Since he already ate back at the restaurant, the next thing to do is to buy all the necessites he needed and resupply like he wanted earlier.

Then he'll talk to the Alabasta rebels. That's Y/N's goal for now.

Y/N spent a short while to purchase everything that he needed.

After making sure everything is in order, he took a look at a map that he recently bought.

After making sure everything is in order, he took a look at a map that he recently bought

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Y/N needed to meet with the rebels as soon as possible. The only problem is he didn't know where their hideout is located.

Y/N: Should I just ask someone?

Y/N said to himself before gently talking to a citizen nearby.

Y/N: Excuse me, can I ask where the rebels hideout is?

The citizen looked at Y/N with an annoyed expression on his face.

Citizen: I don't know anything. I'm busy. Go ask someone else.

The citizen said before immediately departing, not even giving Y/N a chance to reply.

Y/N just sighed and shook his head.

Y/N: Let's just continue asking.

So, Y/N continued talking to any citizen he sees that seemed knowledgeable and he inquired about the hideout's location.

Y/N's efforts were in vain.

Every one of them seemed apprehensive and avoided talking to him about the subject.

They either ignore him saying...

Citizen: You're just a visitor right? Do yourself a favor and not meddle with our country's affair.


Citizen: I don't know anything. I'm sorry.

They'll be like the guy he asked the first time earlier.

Y/N: This is really taking a toll on my energy. I dislike talking to so many people at once. Why can't they just be cooperative and tell me where it is?

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