Prologue: The Lost Kingdom's Remnants

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- "Talking"

- 'Thinking'

- Narration

Third Person POV

-- Room of Authority, Pangaea Castle --

The five elders are all gathered together

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The five elders are all gathered together.

Saint Warcury: Thank you for informing us. You've been a huge help.

The goresei said to a man in a cloak who just gave a nod in response before leaving.

Saint Mars: So it has been confirmed. There really are still remaining descendants of that kingdom.

Saint Ju Peter: *nods* They went unnoticed because they don't even know their true identity.

Saint Saturn: That just makes it easier for us to eliminate them. The question is how?

Saint Nusjuro: Leave it to me. I'll take care of it. The celestial dragons are the gods of this world. Let us remind those people who's the one in control.

Five Elders: They are born to serve us. The Celestial Dragons.

-- In an unknown island --

The loud crashing of waves can be heard from the horizon.

Y/N: Let's play hide and seek!

A nine year old Y/N excitedly said as he looks at his friends with expecting eyes. The moonlight shines upon the three as he awaits for his friends' response.

Akio has a look of uncertainty on his face after hearing Y/N's request.

Akio: W-what? Hide and seek? But it's already dark.

He nervously said, looking at his surroundings. They are currently in the forest that surrounds the island.

Kuroshi: Oh come on Akio! It's not everyday we can play hide and seek with Y/N like this.

Contrary to Akio's words and behavior, Kuroshi looks happy and elated to play with Y/N again. He doesn't seem to mind the darkness of the forest at all.

Akio: sighs Alright, I guess I'll play.

Akio smiled, causing Kuroshi and Y/N to do the same.

Y/N: Thank you Akio...

Akio: It's nothing Y/N. But you'll have to be the one looking for us first.

Akio's smile widens as if his uncertainty earlier never existed.

Kuroshi: Oh it seems Akio is also into it now Y/N. Good luck!

He chuckled.

Y/N: I'll do my best. I'll find you guys easily.

Y/N grinned.

Akio and Kuroshi laughed as they join forces together and push Y/N towards a tree.

Akio: No peeking okay Y/N?

Y/N: Of course. I'll play fair and square.

Y/N smiled as he leaned against the tree with his right arm covering his eyes.

Y/N: I'll start counting to ten now. Be ready.

Kuroshi: Wait not so fast. I have to find somewhere to hide first.

Y/N: Ten...

Kuroshi: *whispers* Hey Akio, you have any idea where we can hide?

Akio nods and whispers back.

Akio: Yeah, I know a place.

-- Meanwhile, in an unknown ship --

Saint Nusjuro: So this is where you all are. Scums related to that kingdom. I'll get rid of you myself.

An old man said, overlooking an island.

-- Back to Y/N --

Y/N: And... one! Ready or not here I come!"

He turned around smiling as he survey the area. Akio and Kuroshi nowhere to be found.

Y/N: You guys are dead if I find you.

Y/N said as he chuckles and sneakily walks towards a large stone where a leg is exposed behind it.

Y/N: Boo!

Y/N leaned over to see Akio and Kuroshi sitting behind the stone as they jumped in surprise. He smiled widely at the two.

Y/N: You guys should have hidden more carefully. I can clearly Akio's leg behind the rock.

Kuroshi: *looks at Akio* I told you we should have hidden separately.

Aiko scratches his head and smiled awkwardly.

Aiko: Sorry, I didn't know he would find us that easily.

Y/N chuckled at their exchange.

Y/N: Well, it's your turn now Aiko.

Aiko: *laughs* Alright, alright. I'll get Kuroshi first. We all need to have a turn.

Aiko smirks and looks at Kuroshi who just scoffed at him.

Kuroshi: Try it if you can. You'll never find me nor Y/N. Have fun looking for us all night.

And so, the trio continued their game of hide and seek while on the shore, the ship from earlier finally arrived.

Saint Nusjuro: Have all the ships surround the island and wait for my signal. I'll leave it's destruction to you.

The old man from earlier said as the marines does what they are instructed.

Saint Nusjuro: Buster call is not enough. I need to finish all of you by my hands. As one of the Gorosei, I'll eliminate anything related to that kingdom.


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