Chapter 5: A Strange Encounter

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- "Talking"

- 'Thinking'

- Narration

-- With Y/N --

Tashigi: You want to know why we came here?

Y/N: *nods* I'm sure you might already heard of it.

Tashigi: About what?

Y/N: The ongoing conflict between the king and the rebels of Alabasta. I was just wondering if your arrival has anything to do with it. And maybe the navy's here to help resolve it?

Tashigi: *sighs and fixes her glasses* Unfortunately, me and Captain Smoker came here for another reason.

Y/N: Can you tell me what the reason is? So I can tell the other citizens and not get their hopes up.

Tashigi: It's fine. I can tell you.

Tashigi looked around the area before turning back to Y/N and continuing.

Tashigi: We're currently pursuing a certain group of pirates.

Y/N: A group of pirates? What is the pirate crew's name?

Tashigi: The Strawhat Pirates.

-- With the Strawhats --

The strawhats gathered at the shore of Alabasta

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The strawhats gathered at the shore of Alabasta.

Vivi: What do we do? Nanohana is a big place. How will we find Luffy?

Sanji: Don't worry, Vivi. Just look for the noisiest place in town. He's bound to be there.

Usopp: HA HA HA. You got that right!

Nami: Let's hope not. Luffy needs to remember he's got a price on his head. There could be bounty hunters around!!

Zoro: Don't worry about Luffy. Let's eat. We can make plans after that.

Zoro suggested before Vivi's surprised voice catches their attention.

Vivi: *shocked* Wait, that's...!!

Nami: What's wrong Vivi?

Vivi pointed to shore nearby. Where an odd looking boat can be seen behind a huge rock.

 Where an odd looking boat can be seen behind a huge rock

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Vivi: That's Mr. 3's ship!!!

Usopp: What!? You mean that jerk is still alive!?

Karoo: Quack!

Vivi: That ship runs on Mr. 3's wax-wax powers.

Nami: Which means...

Vivi: He's somewhere in this kingdom.

-- Back to Y/N --

Y/N: That's all I really wanted to talk about Tashigi-san.

Tashigi: *nods* Thank you for informing us Y/N-kun. I promise you even though our first priority is apprehending the strawhats, if given a chance, I'll make sure to help the citizens of this country. I can't let any evil person succeed and destroy the lives of countless innocent people.

Tashigi gave Y/N a warm smile.

Y/N: Thank you Tashigi-san. I'll also take a look out for the pirate crew you described earlier.

Y/N smiles back.

Tashigi: I'm glad to hear that. Tell me immediately if you see them.

Y/N: *nods* Then I will be going now. Until next time Tashigi-san.

Tashigi: See you Y/N-kun. Stay safe.

Y/N: Of course. I'll be in the market if you need me.

-- With Luffy --

After separating from the rest of his crew, Luffy continued running towards the smell of food he smelled right after he set foot on Nanohana.


Luffy shouted excitedly before seeing a restaurant in the distance.


Luffy hurriedly sprinted towards the restaurant's direction.

And as he run towards it, his once excited expression suddenly vanished as he stopped running and turns around.

Luffy: What...

While he was on his way to the restaurant, he ran past someone that caught his attention.

So Luffy turned back to take a better look at that person.

And his eyes widened.

From a distance, stood a white hoodied individual, talking to what seems to be a dazed vendor. Luffy can only see the individual's back.

But the person's appearance is not the one that caught Luffy's attention.

It's the dark aura surrounding him.

Luffy can feel it even from where he is standing.

The suffocating atmosphere.

The overwhelming presence.

As Luffy squints his eyes to focus on the mysterious guy, their eyes met.

The guy stopped talking to the vendor as his gaze met Luffy's.

Luffy briefly blink.

The guy was gone.

The vendor is bowing and gently urging for people to come to his shop.

There was no sign of the strange individual.

It's as if the guy never existed.


Luffy's stomach growled.

Luffy hungrily touched his stomach with his tongue out.

Luffy: I'm so hungry I'm seeing things again.

Luffy shrugged.

Luffy: Oh well, it must be nothing.

Luffy turned back to the restaurant.

Luffy: FOOD!!! HERE I COME!!!

Luffy once again accelerated towards the restaurant. The earlier event all but forgotten.


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