Chapter 6: Morning Packup

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Peridot's POV:

I awoke abruptly by Amethyst barging into our tent and her loud voice.


I shot up in an instant, moving my hand around till I found my glasses and put them on, looking at Amethyst. Lapis shifted in her sleep, covering her ears with her pillow and groaning a loudly. Amethyst snickered, and so did I. Amethyst then left and I stretched my arms out. I twisted my back with a few pops, which earned a soft groan from me. I sat up straight and got something from my bag, a small make-up mirror and a brush. I started brushing my hair as best as I could for it to not look as much as a rats nest as it does. I put my things back in the bag and went on my phone for a few minutes before deciding to wake Lapis up. I shook her a few times which in return I had received a few grunts from her. She was aware she needed to get up, but was too stubborn to get up.

"Lapisss.. come onnnn, we have to get up." I groaned out slightly annoyed. She grunted again and turned to me. I gave her an annoyed look and she gives me a sleepy smile which makes my face heat up, thankfully it was pretty dark in the tent. She then sat up and quickly grabbed me, I then yelped from the sudden movement and touch.

"L-Lapis??" I asked curiously. She laid her chin on the back of my head, holding me close to her as she pulled me in tighter by the waist.

"Your hair's so soft,.. Peridot." She sleepily, now starting to nuzzle into my hair. She pulled me onto her lap and continued to nuzzle my hair. I smiled and let her, at least it's getting her wake up, slowly. Her head then trails down to my neck, I could feel her smile on my neck as I felt her hot breath hit my neck. I gulped and felt myself shudder. She kissed my neck slowly. I gasped slightly as I felt the soft kisses connecting to my neck. After a few minutes of soft and gentle kisses I had gotten used to them. I then felt a sudden bite to my neck and I had yelped quietly. She was biting and sucking my neck like last night, but much harder. I gasped and moaned at each bite that came in contact with my neck.

"La...Lapis..?" I spoke out in a confused and nervous tone. She hummed in response which sent shivers down my spine.

"W-What're you doing?.. Everyone's
aw-awake!.." I muttered nervously. I was worried that the others would hear us, and see us. I could feel Lapis smirk and then heard a slight giggle.

"Don't worry about that Peridot... Who cares if they see us? And I'm sure that they won't hear you.." Lapis spoke in a soft and nonchalant tone, not worried in the slightest. I took a few deep breaths, I had then suddenly felt Lapis go back to assaulting my neck, with me moaning a bit loud. I cursed myself, but I just felt Lapis smirk as she continued. We were then abruptly interrupted.

"C'MON GUYS! BREAKFAST'S REA-" Amethyst came in barging in on us, staring at us like she did last night. Lapis had kept a tighter grasp on me while I tried to get out of her grasp. She was still kissing my neck.

"AMETHYST!! GET OUT!" I yelled at her in embarrassment and anger. She swiftly turned around and stormed out angrily. I wondered why she seemed angry but my thoughts were brought back to reality when I heard myself moaning softly without realizing it.

"Lapis..~ Please.. we can do this later!!.. We need to eat and pack up!.." I whisper shouted at her. She sighed and stopped. She released my from her grasp. I turned around to look at her while still sitting on her lap.

"Fine finee." Lapis said while chuckling at me. She then kissed my forehead, and I looked at her wide eyed.

"..Mind getting off so we can get breakfast?" Lapis broke the silence and I came back to reality. I nodded.

"S-Sorry!" I apologized. I quickly got up helping her up afterwards. She just smiled at me and ruffled my hair after I got it to look decent. She walked out afterwards and I chased her, yelling at her for my hair. I caught up with Lapis and started hitting her arm, she bursted out into laughter and snorting. I then stopped and started to laugh too. I then realized everyone was looking back at me and Lapis. Lapis looked at them, and back at me smirking. I then realized I hadn't covered up my neck, my face flushed a bright red and Lapis continued to laugh. Everyone seemingly went back to chatting. Everyone but Amethyst, she seemingly was staring at Lapis, glaring at her again. Lapis looked at her grinning and kissed my cheek afterwards Infront of her. Lapis smiled sweetly at me and gave Amethyst a bragging smirk. I looked at the two of them back and forth while Amethyst was sulking. Amethyst left her food and walked away which she never leaves food she was eating. I was slightly worried by how the two were acting with each other.

"Lapis?.." I looked up at her confusingly. She looked down at me seemingly confused.

"Yeah, Peridot? What's up." She cocked her eyebrow at me waiting for me to talk.

"What's wrong with you and Amethyst?? You guys have been really weird around each other." I asked worringly. She seemed to be nervous by that question.

"Well uh-" She was interrupted by the others.

"Come on guys we need to pack up. We need to leave soon!" Pearl instructed the others. Lapis went inside our tent and I followed. I felt a little upset she didn't answer my question but I'll ask later. I helped her pack up our stuff and carry it to the car, putting them into the trunk. Once we finished we had packed up everything, everyone got into their car, waiting for us. We got into the car and put our seatbelts on. Lapis sat next to me in the passenger seat while I was in the driver. The others drove off and we trailed behind them, going to our university. Lapis' hand was on my thigh the whole drive. I hadn't minded it but I was blushing quite a bit by her touch. Soon we had gotten to our university and parked in the parking lot. I looked at Lapis and smiled at her. Lapis did the same and then got out, taking the bags that we needed. The rest we left for when we do go camping another time. The others had gotten inside a few minutes ago, while we were still getting our things. We walked inside and up the stairs to get to our dorm. I got the dorm keys out and unlocked the door. Lapis had plopped the bags down next to her bed and sat down sighing. I walked up to the bag and got on my knees while taking the things I put in it out. I smiled up at Lapis and she was looking down at me blushing a little. I looked at Lapis curiously, wondering why she was blushing and she looked away. I got up and out my things on my desk. I walked back to Lapis' side of the bed and she looked at me curiously. I smiled at Lapis and held both of her hands. She looked at me confused and slightly amused. I blushed and kissed her on the lips. She kissed back almostly instantly and I melted into the kiss. I pulled away and smiled at her. Lapis smiled back at me and I hugged her.

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THAT'S IT FOR NOW!! Next chapter will be Lapis' POV only too! Also sorry I haven't been writing a lot! You'll also figure out the drama between Lapis and Amethyst! But I haven't gotten motivation but I'll try to do it more! LOVE YOU ALL BYEEEE!!
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