Chapter 2: Going out?

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Peridot's POV:

I woke up feeling groggy, I could feel how messy my hair was as I sat up and brushed my hands through it. I rubbed my eyes with my hands trying to get the sleepiness out and wiped my mouth of drool. I then got off the bed, stretching my arms out. I put my glasses on and looked at the clock. It was '7:48 AM' I then looked at Lapis' bed, she was still sound asleep, still snoring a little, which made me smile. I got some clothes and went into the bathroom, getting dressed and freshening up. I decided to wear a plain black shirt, covered by a green flannel button-up, black skinny jeans, and some black Converse. I had planned to ask Lapis out for coffee to get to know each other better! Since we already have a bit in common, I'd like to be her friend and get to know stuff about her, she's really cool. But before that, I want to work on my robots! I sat at my desk, putting all the parts and wires, as well as the prototype on the desk. I got all my tools and started working on it, trying to be quiet, so I don't wake Lapis up.

Lapis' POV:

I sat up and grunted, I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone, the time being '10:23 AM'. I saw Peridot was up working on something, I got up and shuffled over to her and spoke tiredly.

"Whatch'u doin'..?" I yawned and felt Peridot jump in her seat which prompted me to snort and giggle. I saw her just smile, and her face blushing, getting back to what she was doing.

"Just a little project I'm working on.., a robot I've been trying to perfect.." Peridot muttered with her tongue out, trying to focus. I just smiled at her silly action and hummed in response. I trudged tiredly to the closet, got some clothes out, and to the bathroom. I took a shower for 20 minutes with hot water. After, I got out and took a towel to dry off, then got myself dressed and brushed my teeth. I wore a black hoodie with the words 'WATER WITCH' printed on the front in blue with water around the words, baggy black ripped jeans and blue socks. I didn't bother brushing my hair so I just ruffled it till it looked okay. I got out of the bathroom, steam following me out, and I then looked at Peridot, who seemed to be waiting for me to come out?? I gave her a confused look as she looked at me, smiling with her cheeks blushing.

Peridot's POV:

Lapis looked at me somewhat confused, I assume she knew I was waiting for her. I decided to wait for her to get ready as that'd be the perfect time to ask her to get some coffee from Beach City Café, and possibly get some breakfast somewhere else, thinking of food is just making my stomach growl. I sighed and spoke, still nervous to ask.

"Say, Lapis.., uhm, would you l-like to go to Beach City Café with me? J-Just to talk a-and wake up, and maybe we could.. uh.., get some food from somewhere e-else?" I stuttered pathetically, but Lapis smiled and nodded her head.

"That'd be nice. Now?" Lapis spoke softly.

"Mhm!" I nodded. Lapis then got some shoes on and grabbed her wallet and keys, she then spoke.

"Lead the way, your majesty." Lapis then giggled, and I joined as we stepped out of the room. We walked out talking till we got to my car.

"Nice car, Peri-dork.." She mumbled chuckling, getting into the car and I smiled. I turned on the radio and drove.

Lapis' POV:

Peridot's car was pretty nice, the inside was comfortable and clean. Not too much space for me though since I'm taller than Peridot. I checked my phone and it was '11:37 AM' Peridot then spoke, which startled me a little.

"Soooo, what do you want to talk about Lazuli?" Peridot smiled, not looking away from the road.

"Mmmm.." I hummed thinking of something, then I got an idea.

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