Bonfire + Booze = Fists

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The first night we are back, us kids throw a bonfire on the beach with our friends around the area. Everyone knows we are back tonight and that the party has been planned since before we got here. But I was unsure if I wanted to go based on how Trey was acting with me.

"Aren't you supposed to be heading down to the beach by now?" my mom asked. I just shrugged as I grabbed myself a glass and filled it with lemonade. "Trey won't be an issue."

"Are you sure about that?" I questioned as I took a sip. "The way he acted earlier says otherwise."

"Well I told him to behave himself," my mom stated. "And if he decides not to and you do something about it, you won't get in trouble." I just gave my mom a shocked look as she condoned us getting violent.

"I'd just walk away," I rolled my eyes. "I'll go, but if I'm back in ten minutes you know why."

She nodded her head as she poured herself a strong beverage. "Your brother drives me to drink sometimes," she laughed.

"Trust I can relate," I gave her a hug before running out to the pool house to change. I threw on a pair of shorts that really showed off my thighs and a tank top that was ripped completely done the sides. I pocketed my phone and ran down the dock to the Atlantic.

I could smell the bonfire before even reaching the sand. Feeling the sand slide between my toes as I walked on the uneven ground. The sand was warm on my skin. I took a deep inhale as I walked towards the bonfire.

"Look who finally decided to join us," Joey sprinted towards me and gave me a koala hug. I spun her around and we fell onto the ground. "You promised you wouldn't drop me."

"I never made such a promise," I teased and we both started to laugh. She pulled a baggy out of her hoodie and opened it up. She offered some to me, knowing her I knew these would make me feel good. I took two out of the bag.

"These are stronger than normal," she warned and I ignored her eating both of them. I looked around and saw a handful of coolers. "You can grab drinks from any of them. It's our party."

I just smiled as I walked over to the nearest cooler tossing it open. "Yo, Becks! Grab me a beer!" Camden screamed as Trey turned up the radio and his phone was connected too. I tossed him a beer and grabbed myself a screwdriver before sitting back down next two Joey.

"You and orange juice," Joey giggled as she leaned back enjoying the smell of salt water and the fact that we are back home.

"Orange juice is one of my favorites, and vodka is a strong second," I chuckled, chugging about half of the drink. Trey was talking to a girl trying to get some. I don't know what he was thinking, Mom wouldn't allow him to screw in the house.

About an hour had passed since the party had started and whatever Joey put into those gummies were finally hitting me. Joey and I were just enjoying each other's company when Trey had to interrupt the fun.

"Hey, do you care if I use the pool house for an hour?" he asked.

"No can do brother," I laughed at him. I swear it was the weed and alcohol talking. "Get your pickle tickled somewhere that isn't my space."

"What the fuck is your problem, Becks?" he cursed.

"I don't have a problem, you're the one making it for yourself" I hissed, taking a swig of my drink. "Can you please for the love of god just leave me alone?"

Trey pulled me up from the ground and shoved me back down. I got back up and tackled him. I slammed him into the sand and connected my fist with his face. Camden came running in and grabbing off of Trey. "Let me fucking go."

"You need to calm down," Camden said with a little annoyance.

"Yeah!" Trey growled as he came towards me.

"You to dipshit," Camden growled. "You two shouldn't be fighting like this."

"He started it," Trey spat.

"How the fuck did I start it?"

"The pool house," Trey argued. "Why did you ask for it? You don't even like girls. You don't even need privacy like us."

I just froze when he said it. There was no way in hell that he could confirm that. But if I waited any longer to respond it could have insinuated that.

"What does it matter if he doesn't like girls?" Camden snapped at him. "You don't need to be a fucking douche."

"Sticking up for him still," he mumbled under his breath. "He screwed you over too, Cam."

"How so? Not inviting me to stay in the pool house?" Cam raised an eyebrow. "How many times do I say I don't care about the pool house, I'm just happy to be here."

"Only because you have a girlfriend," he emphasized the word girlfriend and looked at me. He fucking knows. Trey glared and I noticed a smile curling on his lips. "Yeah, Becks, he has a girlfriend."

"Trey that is enough," Joey said as she spoke up.

Camden gave me a look before putting his attention back on Trey.

All I remember was my feet moving and the sound of the pool house front door shutting behind me. The room was spinning when I collapsed on the bed. How the fuck does he know?

Authors Note:

The boys fought and many other things are going down. Not only Trey just out Beckett to everyone at the beach also alluded to Beckett's crush . . . only time will tell what'll happen.



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