Goo Goo Eyes + Raging Trey = Fantasy

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My ears rang as I heard Trey scream my name and stomped his way inside. Trey was clenching his fists as he came into view. "What the fuck did I tell you?"

"That you were getting the pool house and you didn't care what mom said," I said with sarcasm. "And I decided to ignore you. Because I didn't care."

Trey scoffed at me. "Wow, now that is a real set of fucking balls you've grown. But like I said, you're going to go in there and tell mom that you want to stay in the main house and give the pool house back to Cam and me."

"Not happening," I growled.

"How the hell am I going to get this laid this summer?" he complained.

"Not my problem," I shrugged. "Figure it out."

"You've never wanted the pool house, asshole,." he argued.

"You've never fucking asked," I snapped.

"There you are," Joey said, coming inside. She looked between the two of us and made a 'oh' face. "I've walked in on something, haven't I?"

"No," Trey hissed as he gave her a hug. "Where's Cam? I need to tell him the update on the pool house issue. Because some people can just be so selfish."

"You know what, fuck you Trey," I growled. "Not everything is about your need to get laid. Grow the fuck up."

"Piss off," he snarled, slamming the door behind him.

"Becks, calm down," she said as she wrapped her arms around me. I could smell the lavender in her hair and it calmed me down. I wanted to punch him, I wanted to break his nose. How dare he call me selfish, when all he cares about is getting his dick played with. Fucking asshole.

"I'm good," I huffed before falling back on the bed. "He's just being a drama king."

"When isn't he?" Joey laughed as she sat down on the reading nook. "He's just jealous you were given something he's never had to ask for, and he just doesn't know how to deal with it."

She always knew what to say to me to make me feel better. "Is Cam upset?"

"He was at first, for the same exact reasons Trey is. But then he remembered he has a girlfriend so he got over it," she shrugged. She noticed the face I made when she said the word 'girlfriend'. She is the only one that knows how I feel about Cam. "I know it hurts. But he is happy."

"I know," I said, puffing up my cheeks. "He'd be oblivious anyways. But I plan on having the best summer ever, and Camden is going to be the last person on my mind."

"I'm proud of you," she exclaimed. "Finally getting over the straight boy blues."


Joey and I sat out in the beach house until around mid afternoon when my mom called us into the house. Joey still had to get unpacked and get settled in.

"I thought you were going to ask Joey to stay in the beach house with you," my mom whispered in my ear.

"That'd be weird," I lied. Honestly I did think about it before deciding on riding solo this summer. "Boys and girls don't share rooms."

"Setting boundaries for yourself. Good job," she smiled. "But it would be okay if you did."

"I'm good, mom," I smiled before grabbing a plate for our late lunch. My ears peaked when I heard them coming down the stairs. I was making myself a sandwich when Trey and Camden stepped into the room.

"Dude the room is so small," Trey complained as he grabbed himself a plate. "You can't tell me you're okay with this."

"Treyton," mom said with a hint of warning.

"What mom? Can I not express my feelings?" Trey said with annoyance.

"Don't you dare use that on me. You know damn well what you're doing. Stop being a brat and appreciate you're still here. I have the mind to send your ass home if you keep this up," she unleashed a rage unlike one we've seen before. "Now get out of my sight before I–."

Mom didn't even need to finish her sentence before Trey was running back up the stairs and out of my mothers wrath. "Damn, Mama Victoria. Feisty," Camden elbowed her.

"Camden," she huffed. "Not in the mood. Can you clean up the kitchen when you're done?"

"Yes mom."

"Yes Mama Victoria," Camden and Joey said.

"Teenagers that listen, what a revelation," she shook her hands at the very idea. I chuckled as she walked out of the kitchen. I could hear her talking to Mama Emily and Daniel, but was unable to make anything out besides her complaining about Trey for a brief second.

The kitchen wasn't terribly messy but we did clean up after ourselves. "Hey Becks, do you mind if I step out to the beach house? Your mom only moved Trey's things and I would like to grab mine. If that's cool."

"Totally," I nodded my head. "I can help if you need it."

"All good, bro," he gave me a fist bump and ran out of the house. I just sort of sat there and watched as he ran away and I got a perfect view of his backside.

Joey cleared her throat before shaking her head. "He's straight, Becks."

"I know."

Authors Note:

The heat is rising between Trey and Beckett. And it is clear who Beckett has been pining over for. Next up the first bonfire of the summer, and only time will tell what the alcohol is going to do the situation. Tell what you think!


Empress CJ

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