Pool House + Christmas = Luxury

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The day was December 25, 2018 and even though it was Christmas I only wanted one thing: the pool house this upcoming summer. I knew I couldn't bother asking Trey about getting it because he has claimed the pool house since he was thirteen and I was twelve. When I was younger it didn't bother me, but ever since then he's always gotten it, and this year I wanted to change that.

"What did you ask Mom and Dad for Christmas?" Trey whispered as I looked at several gifts under the tree. There was only one thing on the list I sent to mom: The Pool House for the Summer.

There was a knock at the door and Trey went sprinting. I smiled as the door swung open and Joey came running towards me with the snow still stuck to her uggs. She latched onto me like a koala. "I've missed you so much, bestie."

"Missed you too," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You must've grown an inch taller since summer. Shortie."

She hoped down but glared at me. I had to look down at her slightly and just made her huff. "I am not that short."

"Shorter than me," I smiled. "Better take off your boots before my mom scolds you."

"Yeah, you're right. Don't need Mama Victoria's wrath," Joey punched my shoulder. When Emily and Daniel came in trailing behind we noticed that someone was missing. Camden. "He's chilling with his girlfriend's family. Said he's too old for Christmas." She must've seen the disappointment on my face.

"That's cool," as my smile faded. Trey was still looking around like a lost puppy with his best friend.

"Where is he?" Trey frowned.

"Oh Camden?" Emily grabbed his shoulders. "He's spending the holiday with his girlfriend's family."

"Damn he's pussy whipped already," Trey said sarcastically.

"Treyton Alexander Andrews, not appropriate," my mother said as she came around the corner into the foyer. "Emily darling."

"Victoria," Emily wrapped her arms around my mom. "Should we get presents opened before we go for a bottomless mimosa brunch?"

"It is like you read my mind," my mom smiled before ushering all of us into the living room. Daniel had just finished bringing in the gifts that their family brings every year. "God, the living room is packed."

Joey and I sorted out everyone's gifts and put Camden's in a separate pile. It took nearly 30 minutes to sort and we were both nearly out of breath when the last present was handed to Trey. "There we go."

Even though I had only asked for one thing there were about twenty gifts per person. "Beck's make sure to open the card last," my mom instructed and gave me a smile. It took so much strength to stop myself from ripping that card open to read what it said, but I just began opening the gifts.

I watched Trey rip into the new computer my parents got for him. It was going to be for college in the fall for him. "No fu-freaking way."

"Everyone needs a good computer for school, and that is best on the market," my Dad chuckled. It got the latest gaming console and a handful of games for it. "Becks, we expect your grades to stay where they are and if they don't we'll take it away."

"Understood," I nodded my head as I placed the PS5 next to me. I opened all the clothes and things and left the card for last. "Mom, it's the last thing."

"Go ahead and open it," she gestured.

"This card is good for 2 full summer stays in the pool house. With one guest of your choosing," I read aloud and if looks could kill Trey's glare would have been sending a dagger through me.

"It was the only thing on your list, how could I say no," she said as she was getting up to give me a hug.

That was how I was given the pool house for the summer, and I was forsure using my card for this summer. As I pulled up to the house I was greeted by its unique architecture. The house was two stories and had several pieces that looked old school colonial. The front door between two white pillars, with the two car garage off to the side.

I parked in the circular driveway in front of the door. My mom must've heard me pull in because she came running out. "You're the first one here!"

I got out of the car and wrapped my arms around her. "Hey, mama. That was one long drive."

"And you did it on your own," my mom cheered. "From what I can tell, only one ding. Not too shabby."

"Where's the ding?!" I slightly panicked as my mom started to laugh. "Are you just messing with me?"

"Can a mother poke a little funny at her youngest?" she said as she gave me another hug. She was sounding like Dad, no wonder why they're married. I popped the hatch of the Trailblazer and pulled out my luggage. "I got all of your things moved into the pool house, and Trey's into the main house."

"Oh really," I grinned. "You know he is going to be annoyed."

"My house, my rules," she shrugged. "You redeemed the first one so quickly, so I'm honoring it."

"I'm going to move the car out of the way so that Trey can unload easier. Gotta do something for him," I said while jumping in the car again. I started the engine and shifted into drive. I pulled about twenty feet forward and put the vehicle back in park. Stopping the engine. I left the windows down and the sunroof open.

I slung both backpacks over my shoulder, tossed my gym bag on top of one of my suitcases, and began rolling them towards the front door of the holiday house. Opening the front door sent all the happy memories of every summer here.

"Happy to be here?" my mom smiled from the kitchen. "Better get to the pool house before Trey gets here," she ushered me towards the backyard. "Enjoy the privacy." she winked at me.


"What? You're a boy, and a mother knows," she teased me and opened the door. "Now go."

"Gross," was all I was able to say before I was walking towards the pool house. Technically there were two beds in the house, so I had room for one more if I so choose, but enjoying the place solo is what I'm doing.

I stopped around ten feet in front of the house and took it in. This summer was going to be one to remember I hoped. The paint on the outside of the pool house was a faded yellow, with some white accents. I walked inside and my foot hit the creak in the floor. According to mom that had been since she was a kid.

The couch groaned as I placed my bags down. I looked around and noticed that mom had put all my things how they were arranged in my room in the house. She had an eye for detail. I emptied my bags and organized everything before the first signs of Trey arriving.

I could hear him complaining to mom about being told to get unpacked upstairs before being allowed to come out here to bother me. I just laughed at his misery as I placed a group photo of us on my bedside table.

My phone dinged and I pulled it out of my pocket. Joey: We are pulling in 10 minutes. Did you get the pool house? Cam is asking. I quickly responded with a thumbs up, hopefully they understood the message.

When I was finally able to take it all in I collapsed on the bed kicking off my converses.


Authors Note:

Beckett is settling into the pool house nicely even though he knows what is going to happen when Trey comes to see him. And the Jacobs are almost there, so there's that to. If you enjoyed the chapter please let me know what your favorite part was. Please like and comment! 

Loved always,

Empress CJ

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