[2] Can't Catch Caterpie!

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It was a unknown location, pretty far from any civilization and hidden from most people. The sun was starting rise, indicating that it was a new day.

Yellow and Pika both started to raise, them doing the same action and letting out a yawn. "G'morning, Pika!" Yellow greeted hugging Pika close to her. "Ooh, something smells good." Yellow said looking around, her eyes then focused on her sister who was sitting in the distance stirring what looked like a stew.

"[n/n]! Good morning!" She cheered walking towards her sister, "Hey there, I made some stew. You're going to get into some training today, so eat up."


"I made some food for you too Pikachu."


The three of them are together, "I know Blue brought us here to train, but where is he?" [y/n] asked looking around, "I think he was sleeping in that location over there." She said the two walked to the edge of their location and saw Blue standing there, then a large boulder started to fall. "Blue, watch out!" Yellow yelled.

Blue made no motion to move, instead he grabbed a Poké ball and let out his Scyther. The Scyther cut the boulder into cubes, the cubes of the boulder falling onto the ground around him. "One more hit, Charizard!" Blue commanded.

"H-he's training?!" Yellow asked in shock, both Yellow and Pika looking in shock. Yellow got up and waved her arms around in excitement. "Blue!! Excuse me!!" This caught the teens attention, "Can you teach me how to train t——" Her words got caught off when he called for his partner again. Charizard repeated his action and pushed down a boulder, Scyther cutting up the boulder again. "Is he telling us to just watch and learn...?" Yellow asked in confusion, wondering what he's doing.

Then the shuffling of the bushes caught their attention. out came the Caterpie that they saved from the day before. "Hey!! You're the Pokémon from Celadon City!" Yellow exclaimed, petting the Caterpie. "What're you doing all the way out here?!" Yellow asked. "They must've followed you all the way here, seems they like you." Yellow let out a giggle hearing that.

"Try to capture that Pokémon with one of your own." The two turned and faced Blue. "Then you can being training it toward a higher level." Blue said while walking off, he suddenly stopped and faced [y/n]. "You follow me." He said pointing at [y/n]. Yellow got up with a cheer, wanting to start her training as soon as possible. She let out her partner and ran forwards.

Blue had put [y/n] through the same training as he had, after seeing her Pokémon. He knew he could put her at a higher level training, and maybe something similar to him. Even a few times when they had a practice battle he lost some and won some. He realized that she didn't need that much of training.

So, they sat together after nightfall. There was a fire and [y/n] was making another soup, "Do you think Yellow will be able to do it?" [y/n] suddenly asked. Blue was silent for a minute, "If he'd been able to capture it this morning... he could have spent the whole day increasing its power level... given how quickly a Caterpie evolves... we might already have a Metapod by now!" Blue informed her.

[y/n] nodded before thinking of what he said. 'He?'

She just shrugged it off, guessing that she misheard.

After eating together [y/n] was the first to fall asleep while sitting. She felt a lot of jet lag, she had fallen asleep first. Her Pokémon surrounding her. Her Luxray laying his head  on her stomach, looking around to make sure that there was no harm towards her. Blue looked down at the girl, when he was a little to close for comfort in Luxray's standards. Luxray let out a growl, telling him to back up.

Blue nodded, respecting the powerful looking Luxray and sat at a decent distance. This made him kind of curious. What type of girl was [y/n].

Morning came sooner then later, Blue and [y/n] was walking together to the location that they last saw Yellow. Both of their eyes widened when they saw Yellow and Ratty both panting. Yellow started talking first, "As of now..." She turned and faced the two older people, ".... I gotta call for help!"

She sheepishly said, Ratty looked at the two in surprise. While Caterpie seemed to still be surprised that she had not been caught. Yellow scratched the back of her head. "I don't think I'm cut out for capturing."

This left both Blue and [y/n] in disbelief. "I mean, you have to hurt it first, right? I just can't bring myself to do it.... I've been practicing to see if there's any way to capture 'em without a battle! When I fought those Pokémon to save those people, I was just acting out of desperation!" Yellow sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "What do I do?" She asked looking at them.

Blue turned around annoyed, feeling like this was going to be impossible. "Just demonstrate an attack. What does Rattata use?"

Yellow sheepishly scratched her cheek, "Ummm.... Well...." Yellow said while looking down at her partner. [y/n] slapped a hand onto her forehead and walked forwards. While Blue let out a yell in disbelief. He also walked towards the two, "I'll teach you how to catch a Pokémon without harming them." [y/n] said. Blue was just watching in the background, occasionally stepping in to help.

After multiple hours the sun set once again, Yellow ash finally succeeded in capturing the Bug-type. "We... did it! Ha ha!" Yellow laughed, feeling proud of herself. Meanwhile Ratty and Pika both let out pants, feeling tired for the what they had just done. "Okay, I know you're keeping Pikachu for Red... but how did you capture Rattata and Doduo?"

Yellow let out another sheepish laugh, "Well... with Ratty, it was just like you guys did for me now... there was someone there to tell me what to do. And I kinda got Doduo from [y/n] while she was traveling." Yellow said. "And these are the only three you have.... And what are the Pokémon you have on you, I saw three of them but I don't know any of them." He said looking at the three Pokémon that was standing there and then at [y/n].

Rattata then froze, then started to shake. "[n/n].... Blue! Something's wrong with Ratty!" Yellow exclaimed in fear and worry. "You have Red's Pokédex, don't you? Open it!" Blue said. The three all looked at the Dex, "Apparently, it's maxed out at this level." Yellow looked at [y/n] confused, "It's power level must've shot up because you've been battling with it so much lately."

"Once it evolves it can learn more attaches, thus being more useful in battle." Blue said, looking up at Charizard with a fond smile. "Um... what's evolve?" Yellow asked the two, Blue lost his composure and lost his footing. [y/n]'s eyes also widened before she let out small laugh. Finding the situation kind of funny.

Rattata started to fog up, Yellow's world seemed to change completely when the newly evolved Ratty appeared. Yellow started to shake, her hands clenched tightly, Blue and [y/n] looked at Yellow in confusion. "Yellow?"

As soon as [y/n] said that Yellow turned around and grabbed onto [y/n]'s waist and let out a loud cry. Crying into her sisters shoulder, "This has got to be a practical joke....!" Blue said to himself. Then looked back at the siblings, "A trainer who starts bawling when his Pokémon evolves?! What else could this food possibly..." Blue then was silent and just looked at the two. [y/n] had just picked up the younger girl, hugging her to calm her down. Ratty looked up at Yellow in concern.

Yellow walked up to Blue the next morning, her hand on Ratty's head. "Umm.... Sorry about lat night." Yellow started. "It's just that I never knew Pokémon were supposed to evolve.... So when all of a sudden Ratty started changing, I well.... Anyways..."

"But it doesn't matter what it looks like! Ratty is Ratty! I won't let it bother me anymore!" Yellow exclaimed, not sure who she trying to convince other then herself.

Blue let out a sigh, "You know, if you really don't want a Pokémon to evolve... all you have to do is cancel it." Blue finished. [y/n] grabbed the Dex and opened it. "The Dex is going to shudder like it did yesterday, open the Dex and hit the cancel button. It stop the evolution. That's a good think about having a Pokédex." [y/n] explained. "I'll help you learn everything you need to."

"Listen!" Blue suddenly yelled, he quickly turned around and faced the two. "If you're both going up against the Elite Four.... Then you'd better decide. Are you a trainer— or not!?"

After saying that Blue turned around and left, leaving the two there to train and think.

Monarch [Pokémon various x oc reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora