[4] The Primeape Directive

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A week had passed since the two began training under Blue. Yellow was in the middle of the rocky terrain and was training up her Ratty and Dody. After they were able to destroy a smaller boulder like what Blue was able to do, Yellow praised all of her Pokémon for their hard work.

"It's a relief, in battle skills Yellow still lacking, but at least the individual Pokémon have increased their level significantly." Blue just nodded, still thinking that it's a shame that she isn't going to evolve them.

"Now Omanyte! Graveler!" Yellow brought out her two new Pokémon. Yellow went to check their moves, but she let out a gasp when the two started to roll and walk off. "H-hey! Wait up, you guys!!" Yellow yelled. "How could I not realize!" [y/n] said slapping her forehead. "Those Pokémon originally belong to other trainers, and Yellow doesn't have any badges..." [y/n] grumbled. [y/n] let out a gasp when she saw her sister getting hit in the face with a Water Gun and knocked in the back of the head with rocks. Blue just watched, feeling a headache come not knowing what to do with this one.

After helping Yellow get out of that mess, the two were sitting together on a rock. They were both looking through the Dex, for Yellow to get use to using the technology. While [y/n] was getting used to the older technology.

"Ummm.... Sleeping Pokémon... Snorlax." Yellow slowly red while drawing an image of Snorlax. "Type.... Normal, attacks... Double Edge and Harden..." Yellow then put her hands to her head. "Ai so so.... My head hurts...." She whimpered. [y/n] let out a giggle and wrapped her arm around her sisters shoulder. "It's okay, we'll learn slowly together. Besides. I have a written Dex about this stuff if it makes it easier for you." She said. Yellow shook her head, "No, Blue says I must learn all the information Red gathered into his Pokédex... but.... Why is there just so much?!" Yellow let out a sigh and laid on her sisters thigh. "Here, just lay down while I read the Dex."


"Next, Eevee.... The Evolution Pokémon." [y/n]'s eyes widen when she saw what was written. "Hmm. It says that Red has captured this Pokémon." [y/n] suddenly stopped talking as she felt an unknown presence around them. "Yellow, we have some unknown guests around here." [y/n] started. Yellow got up confused, "Let's go find Blue."

"Bl-Bl-Blue!! We have trouble!!" Yellow yelled after seeing what her sister was talking about. Blue looked up and around and saw lots of Mankey glaring down at them.

"Mankey..." They said.

"When they stalk like this... it usually means they're very hungry..." Blue explained to them. "Hungry?!"

"It's a whole troupe on the move...."

"Their food supply has been dwindling at an alarming rate. At this point they'll eat just about." Blue started, before he could say anything else the Mankey jumped forwards. "This'll be a great test for you. Break the line!!" Blue commanded. "O-okay!" Yellow responded. Blue sent out his Golduck and Pidgeot. Making theme use Hydro Pump and Wing Attack.

"Yellow, [y/n]! Do you two see that Primeape sitting alone from the battle? Can you guys lure it away from the group?" Blue asked. "What?!"

"That's the pack leader! I'll take care of the rest!! When you get far enough away—open your Pokédex got it?!"

"I got it!! Doduo!"

"Annihilape, let's go!" Doduo pecked the Primeape, while Annihilape punched the Primeape. The Primeape went into a rage and started chasing after the two. seeing that their leader was gone, the Mankey looked around in confusion. "I was right.. without the Primeape's commands the pack is confused. Now!" Blue sent out his Porygon, hitting the Primeape that was going to attack Yellow. "The Tri-Attack." Blue informed them while Primeape fell to ground. "First time I tried it. Good things Porygon's electronic beam transfer worked." Yellow had a confused look, "Porygon is essentially a living computer program. It can move through cyberspace." Blue nodded at the explanation that [y/n] gave her, "I transferred it from one Pokédex to another." Blue further informed.

The Mankey noticed their leader was down and started to feel. "With its leader defeated, the pack can only flee.... You two moved pretty well. Real battle is definitely the best train—" Blue then stopped talking when he saw [y/n] kneeling by Primeape and hugging the Pokémon close.

Blue's eyes widened when he heard from him that Yellow was able to heal, but was surprised when he saw [y/n] doing the same. "You did what you had to for your pack, didn't you? Poor thing." [y/n] said, giving a gentle smile. Yellow grinned at the Pokémon, "Sorry for hurting you like that bud." Yellow apologized. The two girls pet and talked with the Primeape. After Primeape was fully healed, he gave his thanks to the two and went off to his pack.

Later that day the two were by the waters, "I would love to learn more from you... but I think I might become too.... Dependent. So we have decided to go alone! Thanks for everything!" Yellow thanked. 'Yellow has now become more able to battle, and is a little more knowledgeable in that aspect."

Blue was just silent then let out his Golduck. "The best way to get anywhere from here is by sea." Blue said. "It's best you two take that passenger boat over there."


Blue started going off, "See you later, Blue!!" Yellow waved her hand quickly. "Thank you Blue!" [y/n] yelled as well. "Come on Yellow, lets go." Yellow nodded, the two going to the dock that had the boat. Meanwhile, Blue had a smile thinking about what the two could, before having a serious expression. "Pidgeot! Take this to my grandfather." He said, handing a letter that was in a cylinder case. Pidgeot flew into the air. Leaving, flying towards the lab to give the letter his trainer had written.

Monarch [Pokémon various x oc reader]Where stories live. Discover now