Chapter 6

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It's been a week since Tabby explained the plan for me to tell Camren how I feel. We've been practicing during study hall in the music room every day. I think we got everything perfect, now I just have to wait for the day of the talent show.

I'm nervous cause I still have to find a way to get Camren to the show. I'm standing at my locket, thinking of a way to ask Camren, when I'm pushed into the lockers. I look up to see Nate laughing with his buddies, "Watch it, nerd" He tells me

I roll my eyes, "How original, Nate" I tell him

He stops laughing, "What'd you say?" He asks walking towards me

"You've been bullying me since the 6th grade and it's always the same. Shove me into the lockers and call me nerd. If you're gonna be a asshole, at least be a creative one" I tell him, gaining the confidence to stand up to him

He backs me into the locker, trying to intimidate me, "You're getting bold for a pathetic little girl" He tells me

"I'm the pathetic one?" I scoff, "I'm on track to be valedictorian and the top of our class. I've been accepted to every ivy league university you can think of. Where have you been accepted to, huh? I'm A Dick University?" I ask

He shoves my shoulders into the lockers, "You're gonna regret that" He says through gritted teeth

I tilt my head, "That all you got, Nate?" I can tell he's getting more and more pissed off, "Look this is fun and all but I've got places to be, so..." I trail off as I push him off of me

As I start to walk away, all of the sudden there's clapping. I look around to see everyone in the hallway was watching the whole exchange between Nate and I, "Go Eleanor!" Some of them cheer

I chuckle slightly before I look back at Nate to see him huff and walk away, sulking at the fact that a girl just stood up to him.

As I start walking down the hallway, people are clapping and cheering. A few of them give me high fives, "That was awesome, Eleanor" One says

"Oh, t—thanks" I stutter out

Before I make it to the end of the hallway, I feel my hand being grabbed. I turn around and come face to face with Camren, "Hey Cam" I say

"That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. You stood up to Nate Jacobs and didn't even bat an eye" She says awestruck

I shrug my shoulders, "It was nothing, really, I was just tired of him messing with me"

"That wasn't nothing, El" She tells me

I blush at the nickname, "A—Actually, Cam, I was—I was wondering if you were going to the talent show next week?" I ask, stuttering

"I was thinking about it, why?" She asks

"Well, I'm—I'm performing and I, uh, I would like you to be there" I say, scratching the back of my neck nervously

She smiles, "Of course I'll be there, El. I'll be sitting front and center, cheering you on" She says

I smile, "Ok—Okay, great" I say

Before she walks away, she leans in and kisses my cheek, "You're hot when you're confident" She whispers in my ear

She pulls away and I can feel my cheeks flush red, "Uh..." I'm left speechless

She chuckles lightly before she starts walking away, "See you around, El" She says

She looks back at me once more before she disappears into the sea of students. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, "Holy shit" I whisper


"Hey, I'm home" I call out as I walk through the front door

"Hey Ellie, come into the kitchen please?" I hear my mom ask

I furrow my eyebrows slightly confused before I place my bag down. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom, dad, and Lucas sitting around the island, "What's going on?" I ask confused

"Care to explain this?" My mom asks, showing the talent show list

"Oh..." I scratch the back of my neck, "...that. Um, well..." I trail off

"Why didn't you tell us that you were performing?" Dad asks

"It's not that important, I guess I forgot" I lie

"Eleanor Marie Bishop, of course this is important. You haven't sung in front of people ever" Mom says

"Yeah, why the sudden change?" Lucas asks

"Oh, reason. I guess I decided it was time" I tell them

My mom raises her eyebrow, clearly not believing me, "Well, we're gonna be there cheering you on" Dad says

I nod my head, "Great" I say with a small smile

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