Chapter 3

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The moment we get home, I rush up to my room to put on something a little more revealing. If Camren was gonna flirt then hell Tabby is right, I will to. I only have about thirty minutes before Camren is gonna be here so I need to hurry.

I riffle through my closet until I find my black low cut crop top that shows off my toned stomach. Yes, I know I'm a nerd but that doesn't mean I don't work out, I'm pretty well defined I just don't show it off.

I get dressed in the crop top and throw on my tight black jeans that make my ass look amazing. I style my hair, curling it and parting it to the side, creating volume. I put on a natural makeup look with some raspberry lip balm, just in case. I look at myself in the mirror and adjust my top to show some more cleavage, "Ellie, Camren's here!" Mom yells

Two can play this game Jones, I smirk to myself before I make my way downstairs. Once I make it to the living room, I see Camren talking with my mom, "Damn Ellie, what's with the outfit?" Lucas asks walking in

With that Carmen moves her attention to me and I see a shocked look on her face which soon turns to a smirk as her eyes trail down my body, "Oh, this?" I walk closer to them, "I got hot, no big deal" I walk past them before giving one more look at Camren, "Coming Cam?" I ask smirking

I see her gulp slightly before nodding her head, "What was that about?" I hear Lucas ask Camren

"I—I don't—I don't know" Camren responds

I smirk to myself before I find my seat at the table. My parents follow shortly after before Lucas sits across from me, leaving only one seat left. The one right next to me, for Camren Jones to sit in.

She sits down next to me and I can see she's still a bit flustered, "Hope you're hungry, I made my famous cheeseburgers" Dad says

"Thanks dad, I'm starving" Lucas says as he grabs two before passing the plate around

I take one before passing it to Camren who's hand lightly brushed up against mine as she took the plate. We all started to eat the food, a comfortable silence falling over the table. Every now and again I would glance over at Camren, admiring her. I would also feel her looking at me but I wouldn't dare look up and meet her eyes, "So Camren how's soccer going?" Dad asks, making conversation

"It's been good, I was named captain" She says

"Oh that's amazing" Mom says

"That's my best friend" Lucas says proudly

I look at her, "You deserve it, Camz" I tell her

She smiles and I see the faintest blush forming on her cheeks, "Thanks El" She says

I take a sip of my drink, "So are you seeing anyone Camren?" Mom asks

I choke on my drink, coughing slightly, "Mom" I warn

Camren chuckles lightly, "No—No, I'm not seeing anyone at the moment" She says

"Why not? You're a smart, pretty young girl, you should have lines of people wanting to go out with you" Mom says

"I guess..." Camren glances at me, "...I haven't found the right one yet" She says

"I have a feeling you already have" Mom whispers but hopefully I'm the only one who hears her

After dinner is over, Lucas was exhausted so he went to relax while I convinced my parents that I could clean up. To my surprise, Camren offered to help me so my parents went for a walk. A comfortable silence fills the air as I'm rinsing the dishes before handing them to her as she places them in the dishwasher.

As I hand her the last dish, "Thanks for helping, you could've just hung with Lucas" I say as she shuts the dishwasher

She leans against the island as I lean against the counter, looking at each other, "It's cool, I'd rather hang with you" She says

I look down, "That's not true" I whisper

"Why not? I mean you're funny, ridiculously smart and way better looking than your brother" She says which causes me to look up

"You—You think I'm good looking?" I ask

She nods her head, smirking slightly as she starts to walk closer to me, "Definitely" She looks me up and down, before she's inches away from me. She places her hands on either side of me, trapping me in place as she leans forward, "Between you're toned stomach and arms and you're beautiful hazel eyes" She looks me up and down before her eyes meet mine again causing me to take a shaky breath, "Did you wear this outfit for me, Princess?" She whispers

My mouth goes dry, I'm unable to speak, "Uh—Uh, um..." I choke out

She smirks before leaning towards my ear, "You're cute when you're flustered" She whispers

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks as she pulls back slightly, our lips centimeters away from each other. I can feel her hot breath ghosting over my lips but before I can say anything, "CJ wanna play video games before you leave?" Lucas calls out from upstairs

Camren sighs before turning her head, "Sure be up in a second" She responds

She looks back at me and smirks, "See you soon, Princess" She says before she steps back, taking one more look at me before turning around

As she's walking away, "I like raspberries" She says

A small smile appears on my face as she walks away, "That was unexpected" I whisper to myself

Once I know Camren is in his room, I make my way to my room and immediately call Tabby. It rings for a second before she picks up, "Hey Nor" She says

"Camren came over for dinner and I wore a revealing outfit and she was totally checking me out and hitting on me when we were washing dishes. And she keeps calling me Princess which is extremely hot and she thinks I'm pretty and..." I ramble before she stops me

"Whoa, Ellie, slow down. Take a breath and say that again" She tells me

"While we were at the football game and she had her hand on my thigh, my mom invited her over for dinner. So when I got home, I changed into a low cut crop top and my good jeans. You know the ones that make my ass look great" She chuckles, "When I walked downstairs and she saw me, her eyes traveled down my body. Then at dinner, my mom was being nosy as always and asked her why she wasn't seeing anyone. Cam said she hadn't found the right one yet while she was looking at me. Then we were doing the dishes, just the two of us, and she started flirting and she got really close, I mean close enough that I could smell her citrus perfume. She kept calling me princess which is my new favorite thing, but not the point. She said I was good looking and I was flustered, obviously, but before anything else could happen, Lucas called for her" I explain in detail

"Wow" Is all she says

"Wow? That's all you got?" I ask

"Relax, Nor, that was a lot of information. So she likes you, that's obvious" She says

"I wouldn't say obvious" I say

I can feel her eye roll through the phone, "Oh my fucking god, you're oblivious. She basically eye fucked you in your own home and is calling you pet names. She said you were hot for fucks sake, Ellie, she has feelings for you" She tells me

I sigh, "Okay then what do I do now?" I ask

"You ask her out dumbass" She says

"No, I—I can't, what if—" She cuts me off, "Eleanor Marie Bishop, you need to stop being afraid of the what ifs and start acting. She's given you all the signals so go for it" She tells me

"You're right—You're right" I say

"I always am now tomorrow we're gonna come up with a plan, okay?" She tells me

"Okay" I say


Hopefully you are all enjoy it so far.

I will try to update every day or at least every other day.

I appreciate feedback if you have any :)

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