Chapter 8

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[Camren's POV]

I'm getting ready to go to the talent show tonight. It was really sweet of Ellie to invite me but I wonder why she's performing? I didn't even know she could sing, she's not really one to show off.

As my mind drifts to Ellie, I think back to seeing her stand up to Nate. I was so proud of her for finally standing up for herself. And I must say she looked ridiculously hot while doing it. Ever since I realized my true feelings for Eleanor, I've let myself admit that she is hot.

Extremely hot.

From her toned arms and stomach to her beautiful brown eyes. The way she bites her lip when nervous and her eyebrow furrows when she concentrates. She's perfect and I wish I could be with her.

I shake my thoughts off and continue getting ready for the talent show. I put on black ripped jeans, a grey cropped sweater. I place on my chain and rings before applying a light, natural makeup look. I complete the outfit with a dark shade of red lipstick before I look at myself in the mirror once more.

[Talent Show]

I find a seat in the front row, just like I promised Ellie I would be. To my surprise, a few moments later, Ellie's parents and Lucas walk up, "Hey CJ, what are you doing here?" Lucas asks as he sits down next to me

"Hey Luke, Ellie invited me" I tell him

I see Mr. And Mrs. Bishop exchange a glance, "Oh she did?" Lucas asks

"That was nice of her" Mrs. Bishop says

I nod my head before Principal Marshall walks out, "Welcome students and families to the annual Middleton High Talent Show!" She speaks

We all clap as the performances start. I shake my leg nervously as I wait for Ellie to come out. I want to know what she's performing, I have a feeling it's important. Why else would she invite me?

I would soon find out as Principal Marshall walks back out onto the stage, "And up next, singing an original song...Eleanor Bishop" Principal Marshall says

We start cheering, "Woohoo!"

She walks out on stage as we are all clapping. She stands behind the microphone, "Hello, this song is about someone special in my life. Hopefully you all like it" She says

Someone special?

She takes a breath before she start strumming, "Hmm...Hmm...Hmm" She hums

You know I'd fall apart without you

I don't know how you do what you do

Cause everything that don't make sense about me

Makes sense when I'm with you

Like everything that's green, girl I need you

But it's more than one and one makes two

Put aside the math and the logic of it

You gotta know you're wanted too

She looks up and makes eye contact with me as she continues singing.

Cause I wanna wrap you up

Wanna kiss your lips

I—I wanna make you feel wanted

And I wanna call you mine

Wanna hold your hand forever

And never let you forget it

Yeah, I—I wanna make you feel wanted

Well, anyone can tell you you're pretty

And you get that all the time, I know you do

But your beauty's deeper than the makeup

And I wanna show you what I see tonight

She holds eye contact with me, as she smiles slightly.

When I wrap you up

When I kiss your lips

I—I wanna make you feel wanted

And I wanna call you mine

Wanna hold your hand forever

And never let you forget it

Cause baby I—I wanna make you feel wanted

I smile back at her as she continues singing, maintaining eye contact.

As good as you make me feel

I wanna make you feel better

Better than your fairy tales

Better than your best dreams

You're more than everything I need

You're all I ever wanted

All I ever wanted

And I just wanna wrap you up

Wanna kiss your lips

I—I wanna make you feel wanted

And I wanna call you mine

Wanna hold your hand forever

And never let you forget it

Yeah I—I wanna make you feel wanted

Baby I—I wanna make you feel


She finishes strumming the last cord before the crowd erupts in cheers, "That's my twin!" Lucas yells as he claps

"That's my daughter!" Mom yells

"That's my girl!" Dad yells

She smiles as she holds eye contact with me as I clap, a wide smile on my face, "Go El!" I cheer

She smiles, "Thank you" She says into the microphone

"What an amazing performance by Eleanor Bishop..." Principal Marshall says as she walks off

As Principal Marshall introduces the next act, Lucas leans over to me, "Do you know who she wrote that about?" He whispers

I shake my head, "No clue" I lie

Eleanor Bishop wrote a song about me and just sung it in front of the entire school.

She likes me!

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