Chapter 1

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"Ellie, come on, the new neighbors are here!" Lucas yells up

"I'm busy, Luke!" I yell back

"Mom wants us to go over there too, let's go!" He yells

I sigh, "Fine, give me a minute!" I yell back

I stand up from my desk before I throw on a clean black tee and grey sweatpants before putting my hair in a messy bun. I look in the mirror before I head downstairs, "Way to make a good first impression, Ellie" Lucas jokes

I roll my eyes, "Hey, I'm down here, aren't I? Pick your battles, Luke" I tell him

"Whatever, Mom and dad are already over there, let's go" He tells me before I follow him out the door

We walk next door to see our parents talking to a man and woman around their age, "Ah, there they are" I stand next to my mom, "This is my daughter, Eleanor, and my son, Lucas" She introduces

We both smile, "Nice to meet you" Lucas and I say in unison

They smile, "Nice to meet you too. I'm Andie and this is my husband, Billy. Our son and daughter are around here somewhere" The woman says

"Camren! JJ!" The man calls out

A few seconds later a boy who looked around 7-8 walks out, "JJ these are our neighbors, the Bishops" Andie says

He looks at us, "Are you the same person?" He asks innocently

Lucas and I smile, "We're twins" I tell him

He smiles, "Cool" He says

Then their daughter walks out and holy shit is she gorgeous. She has dark brown curly hair and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes I have ever seen, "Cam there you are" Andie says snapping me out of my thoughts

I see she's smiling at me which causes me to look down, realizing she caught me staring, "Sorry mom, I was unpacking some boxes" Camren says

"Well, I want you to meet our neighbors, the Bishops, Eleanor and Lucas are your age. Why don't you guys get to know each other?" Andie suggests

My mom looks at Lucas and I, "Great idea, why don't you guys head to the backyard and talk?" Mom tells us

Lucas nods his head, "Yeah sure, follow me" He says before he starts walking

Camren follows him as I slowly walk behind them, still embarrassed from earlier. We head to the backyard as Lucas and Camren sit on the bench and I sit on the chair opposite of them, "So what are you guys into?" Camren asks

"Well I'm the quarterback for the football team" He says

"Athlete, nice. I'm a soccer player, hoping to make the team here" Camren looks at me, "What about you, Eleanor?" She asks

"Ellie there is a genius" Lucas says

"Genius?" She asks

I shake my head, "I'm not a genius" I tell her

"She's being modest, she's the top of our class already and in every AP class you can think of" Lucas says

"So he's the brawn and you're the brains?" She asks

"Yeah..." I scratch the back of my neck nervously, " could say that" I say

She smiles, "We're gonna get along great" She says

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