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Noah looked at Jay again, his eyes drifting over him, he said sarcastically, "I thought you seeing my true self last time was enough to keep you at least a certain distance away from me. Let me clear it up for you then." As he stood next to Jay already he just kneeled and faced him looking into the others eyes. "I think it is very creepy that you watched me while I was asleep, especially when we had known each other for like a day. Even now, we are not close. We have known each other for not even three or four days and you say disgusting shit like that? Even touching me as you please? I am NOT your toy, and I am sure as hell, not your wife." The last word he spoke with utter disgust before continuing, "So I think it is best for the both of us if you keep your hand off of me. Right?"

The next thing that happened door opened and Francis walked out with the backpack in question. Walking in with a smile and then this smile slowly faded as he saw the situation. Jay was on the floor, hands on his crotch. Noah kneeled next to him, looking at Jay with a sharp glint and Maison just standing a meter or so away watching what Noah did. The small second of Francis analyzing the situation was enough for Noah to change faces from a cobra to a worried little bunny. Looking accusingly at Maison, "Why would you do that to your brother? I get that he touched me inappropriately, but you didn't have to kick him." Noah looked like he was trying to look mean but really couldn't. Maison raised his eyebrows, "Well if he wasn't such an ass I wouldn't have had to." Then Maison crossed his arms looking annoyed at Francis, whose face already built up quite a sweat.

Francis didn't know what to do, a fight broke out between the grandsons of the base owner. There wasn't a protocol for this. Jay who was on the floor couldn't believe that his brother, who searched high and low for him, betrayed him just like that. Not believing it still he opened his mouth, "It was-" "Me, I am so sorry brother, but I have fallen in love with Noah too. And seeing you treat him so disrespectfully I couldn't stand still anymore," Maison interrupted him, looking really melodramatic. Noah blushed and hid his face behind his hands, "No, you two can't fight because of me. I am not worth it, your brotherhood is more important than your love for me." Maison almost laughed but caught himself before helping his brother up. Looking really serious he looked Jay in his eyes saying, "I promise to never fight with you over a boy again." Jay who was mega confused just mechanicaly nodded. "Wonderfull, because I really didn't want to stand between your brother's relationship," Noah said walking first to Francis getting his backpack back, and then to Jay's side holding one arm as to help Jay walk.

Throwing his head in the direction of Francis, Noah said almost angelicly, "Thank you, I am so sorry you had to see all that." Francis smiled a little, inside his head, he was so relieved that the situation had been cleared. The two helped Jay walk to the elevator, Maison pressed the button and Noah was petting his arm as if to show compassion. Inside the elevator, both of them dropped Jay and began to laugh. Jay fell to the floor and was glad he didn't fall on his family jewels. The elevator opened on floor three, Maison only made a gesture with his hands so Jay would get up. Angry and hurt he sprung up and walked away, Maison looked after him a bit sad. Noah looked at Maison, "I think we overdid it." Maison nodded his mouth raised in a slight arc, "Maybe, but I already noticed your face when he called you his wife. Your brows were crunched and your mouth was deformed a bit into disgust. They were only microexpressions though, so Jay or the Dou didn't really pick it up."

Noah's vision was blurry and a memory swam over the face of Maison. The long red hair shrunk into platin blond short hair, the sharp-edged face formed into more of a V-shape and his slightly golden brown skin shifted into a pale color. The only thing remaining were those ice-blue eyes, staring right through him. The pale platinum-haired boy stared at him, his eyes full of mischief as he walked beside Felix, the pale boy smirked a little. "Come on why won't you tell me what got you so angry," the pale boy asked. Felix stood still, his hood still covering his face, but even under his hood, no one would know what emotion he was feeling. Yet the boy in front of him, he knew. He always knew if he was in a good mood, feeling sad or like right now angry. Helpless he looked at the pale boy, "Listen, Val, I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, but it really isn't something you or anyone else can fix." Val didn't count that as an answer though as he still followed Felix who was walking away from him.

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