Turnabout Samurai Part 3

Start from the beginning

Penny: I don’t envy you guys one bit! But… do what you can for WP, okay? He’d never hurt a fly! He has to be innocent. 

Maya: Don’t worry, leave it to us! 

She shouted as Phoenix sighed and started to ask Penny some questions about the day of the murder and what she knew. 

Phoenix: Could you tell me anything about the day of the murder? 

Penny: Yes. I was in the studio the whole day. I was the only assistant on staff that day, you see. 

Maya: Only one assistant!? 

Penny: Yes, well, the studios isn’t doing so well right now. And yesterday was only rehearsal for our action sequences. 

Maya: Oh, I see. 

Penny: In the morning we went through the action sequences in the employee area. WP and Hammer were there, along with everyone else. 

Phoenix: The employee area- - that’s where Power’s dressing room is, right? 

Penny: Yes, that’s the place. After eating lunch there, Mr. Hammer went to Studio One. Then I saw WP go into his dressing room. But I didn’t see either of them after that. 

She finished as Phoenix asked her one last question that was about Will Powers. 

Phoenix: Did you know that Mr. Powers was sleeping in his room? 

Penny: No! I wouldn’t go in there unless I had some urgent message for him… I mean, it’s his private… What kind of girl do you think I am!? 

Phoenix: W-what kind…? No, no, I’m sure you’re a fine girl. Um, sorry. ‘So much for getting a confirmation of Powers’s alibi.’ 

Maya: What do we do, Nick? Fake Nick? We haven’t found anything. If WP was the only one who came to the studio… Then he has to be the killer! They even have a photograph… 

Ryan: Hmm… 

Penny: Umm… Sorry… I know you’re busy. 

Phoenix: Not really. 

Penny: Actually, there’s been something bothering me. 

Maya: Ah hah! That’s what I’m talking about! A clue! A lead! 

She shouted excitedly as they got something to help them show Will Powers wasn’t there as Penny continued. 

Penny: Well, I don’t know about that, but that day, just after noon, I sensed someone was here…  

Phoenix: You “sensed” someone? 

Penny: Yes, several times. 

Phoenix: Some other studio employees, maybe? 

Penny: No, I don’t think so. The only thing we had scheduled was an action scene run-through. I was the only assistant here that day.  I have a feeling it was someone from… outside. 

Phoenix: R-really!? 

Maya: But wait, if someone had come in here… Wouldn’t that security lady have noticed them? 

Ryan: True, and the security gate is what everyone goes through. 

Phoenix: Yeah, you’re right. 

Penny: I’m sorry I don’t have any better information than that. 

Maya: No, thanks! That helps us a lot. Anything helps. Let’s go and put that security lady on the spot! 

She shouted, determined to get back at the old lady as Phoenix asked Penny his last question before they went back investigating the studio. 

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