Angry Drunk

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She waved her hand in his face "Where'd you go..." she giggled "I was asking how was jail?"

"Oh that was horrible! They made us dance to Hey Mr. DJ and Nick kept nagging about having to take a piss in front of the cell mates." they both giggled "I'm sorry I didn't call you. I heard you guys got car jacked at gunpoint."

"Yeah that was scary...then we had to ride in this truck with water...melons..." the first kiss with Howie flashed in her mind and that same lump nestled in her throat. "The thief took my dress and my locket..."

"Oh...what about that one" he gripped at the small heart dangling from her neck and rubbed his thumb over its surface. "I thought it was this one."

Millie blushed "No, this one...uh...Howie gave it to me in San Antonio. He felt bad about me losing mine. Anyways the trip was fun! Howie isn't as boring as you made him sound." she smiled weakly. "He's actually very sweet and respectful."

The anger returned with the mention of Howie, his blood boiled like lava flowing from a volcano. "Yeah they don't call him Sweet D for nothing. It's a nice necklace. So speaking of D how was it with you two?" he asked, trying not to let his impulse to yell take over him.

Just as she opened her mouth to answer his question, there was a knock on the door and Kevin peaked through "Hey you two...sorry to bother you but...uh we are gonna start setting up. Thought you could lend a hand..." he smiled. "How are you feeling sweetie?" He gave Millie a warm smile.

"I'm much better, thanks for asking Kevin. Well let's go." Millie tried sounding animated, she was thanking Kevin for saving her from the dreadful question. They all made their way down the hall "I'm so hungry" she stated holding her growling stomach.

AJ grabbed hold of her hand interlacing his fingers with hers. His action caught her by surprise and it even felt awkward to her, but she went along with him. After all, he was still her fiancé. She looked around wanting to see Howie, yet hoping she wouldn't. All it would do was cause her suffering, then make her want to cry and she had done enough of that.

"Here Kevin makes breakfast every morning." AJ sat the plate of eggs with toast in front of her as she quickly began to eat. "He's been such a housewife ever since he quit us..." AJ chuckled.

"You're so mean" she giggled, just as she took her last bite Nick entered the kitchen Mason on his hip, gurgling a conversation with his blonde uncle.

"Have you seen mini Kevin?" Nick chuckled as the baby stretched his arms out at her.

"Oh...he likes me!" she giggled taking the baby in her arms, he was adorable. A replica of the gorgeous Kevin, the exception of having blonde hair that fell right above his little green eyes. "Hi there Mason..." she tickled his tummy as the baby cooed. "You're too cute," she smiled.

"Hey...we...we...need help," Howie stuttered as his eyes met Millie's gaze. The room went silent and everyone tensed, but he quickly shifted his eyes over to AJ, who excused himself to help. Howie looked back to see Millie, but she had occupied herself by giving her attention to the small child.

"So Nick, are you practicing for your kids or what?" she teased him as he took the baby back.

"! This kid is just plain fun" he covered his mouth secretively as he whispered "Unlike his father this kid is a blast." they both giggled as she rinsed her plate and dried it off. She took a deep breath and joined the guys outside to help.

A couple of hours later the tables were set in the yard, the DJ began to set up in a corner and Kevin busied himself in the kitchen preparing the burgers, steak and chicken. Millie smiled at the tall man in an apron, Kristin was so lucky to have him, he was so loving towards Mason and he loved to help around the house, the dream man.

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