Pitch stood at the opposite end of the room on a short ledge a few steps up from the floor. Breathtaking as always, the Nightmare King’s robes were of the usual contrasting black to the glimmer of your attire. However, you had not before seen until now these robes that hung more loosely at the bell sleeves past the shadow of his wrists much like how the silky fabric pooled at his feet. Covered shoulders were heightened like the high collar that stood at the nape of his neck. Tying the piece together were the shining gold plates both hanging from his neck and wrapped around his waist like that in his eyes and within your dress. His vision was locked on you, unbreaking and no longer holding back the proudness when gazing upon the majestic sight of you. Your grin widened, and you pressed forward past any building nerves by taking your next steps into the path between the mares of your kingdom.

As you leisurely made your way down with maintained composure, each set of mares you passed at your sides lowered their heads to you. The dark horse-like beasts all took a bow in respect to their queen-to-be. The blood rushing past your ears from your racing heart full of anxiousness could be heard over the click of your heels on the solid floor. The amber eyes of the mares closed shut when they bowed their heads to you one by one at either side of you until they disappeared from your peripheral vision when you passed them. It was like you were adding to the formation of darkness within the lair with the vanishing of the glow in their sight, like you were wicking away the flames of a thousand candles without touching them. Not breaking away from the sight of your intended, you continued the rest of the way down the aisle that your creatures formed.

You came closer to Pitch’s form that stood tall and towering as ever, his hands folded behind him. The final groups of nightmares lowered their heads toward the flooring with their strong necks as you slowly strolled by them. It was not until you found yourself stepping up the few rows of stairs to bring yourself up to the ledge where the Nightmare King stood did your breath hitch in recognition that you had made it all the way (and even without stumbling too). A part of you almost wanted to glance back over your shoulder to see how far you had come and what it took to have gotten up to where you were on your own, but there was no need to do so. There was nowhere else you would rather find yourself certain to want to be. 

When reaching his level, Pitch raised a hand from behind himself and held it out to you. Gingerly, you lifted your own to accept it, and he guided you closer for the two of you to stand in front of one another. Your other hands joined automatically so both pairs were linked, you silently noticing the coldness of his fingers compared to your overheated pair wrapping around and cooling your undoubtedly clammy ones. Your cheeks warmed as you gazed up into the glisten of his irises. The two of you collected yourselves and stood face to face so your kingdom of nightmares could be overseen at the foot of the platform to your sides. A tall glass of rich white wine that you were was equivalent with her shadow. The sea of mares had risen from their lowered positions and remained gathered to face their joining commanders.

“You’re nervous,” the King of Nightmares whispered to you. It took you a second to register that he had spoken past the euphoria of it all. You took a breath to ease any shakiness from the overwhelming sensation of knowing exactly what you were doing met with the thrill of not knowing what would be next.

“I’ll be fine,” you replied in a hushed voice, still smiling.

“Are you ready?”

At this, you gave a nod with sureness and granted a light squeeze with your hands on his. You were getting married. You were to be wed to Pitch and you were to soon be made immortal to stay with him forever.

“You’re going to repeat after me, alright?”

You nod again. You made sure to pay close attention to the slew of poetic phrases from ancient Golden Age traditions to ensure you would get none mixed or stuttered over.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now