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"Yes." Yunci slowly raised his foot and leaned on the chair in a calm posture.

It took a long time for Yulu to get up from the ground with difficulty, then clutching her belly, stumbled and ran out of the dormitory.

The other girls were a little bit blind, and whispered: "Obviously she was the first to pick something to fight, but if she didn't fight, she wanted to give a small report."

"Yes, it's shameless!"

A girl with a single ponytail boldly stepped forward and asked Yunci, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yun Ci's voice was still cold, but his hostility was gone. He turned around and picked up all the things on the ground: "Sorry, I messed up your things."

A few girls waved their hands straight: "It's okay, it's okay."

Yun Ci didn't speak any more, jumped onto the bed with his arms supported, and then went to sleep.

Several girls looked at her, as if they wanted to talk to her, but they were not as embarrassed, so they could only whisper together in a group.

"so hot..."

"Fighting is so fierce, our dormitory is not afraid of being bullied."

Not long after, Yunci's cell phone rang again, and a message popped up, asking her to go to the department's office.

Yun Ci turned over and got out of bed, grabbed the hat on the table and buckled his head, and walked out of the bedroom slowly.

When he came to the department's leadership office, knocked on the door of the office, there was a call to come in, Yunci pushed the door in, and saw a male teacher sitting on the sofa. You Lu was beaten with a swollen nose and swollen nose. He was holding his stomach, his face turned pale, and he stared at Yunci with fierce eyes.

The male teacher first introduced himself: "My name is Tao Yi, and I am a teacher in the tenor class. The dean is temporarily away, so I will take care of the two of you."

Then, Chao Yunci interrogated: "This classmate, you beat classmate You Lu like this?"


Tao Yi was stunned by Yunci's frankness.

He coughed twice: "This classmate, the first day he arrived at school, he reported a fight. This is a very serious matter!"

Yun Ci raised his chin towards You Lu, and said blankly: "She mentioned the fight, she can't beat me."

Tao Yi looked at You Lu in surprise, which was completely different from what she just said.

You Lu pointed to Yunci and said angrily: "Teacher, look at me, I have been beaten like this, let's look at her again, is there any injury?!"

It seemed that she was too excited, and Yu Lu cried out with pain again when she got the wound.

Yun Ci copied his pockets in one hand, expressing a little carelessness: "I don't believe you can ask the other girls in the dormitory."

"Okay." Tao Yi glanced at Yunci with a weird look, thinking that this student was scornful and scornful, and he was probably going to cause headaches again in the future. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. .

Soon, the office door was knocked again, and the four girls in the 601 dormitory walked in. They glanced at You Lu, then turned their eyes on Yunci, and watched her leaning against the wall next to her. They looked like a pair. Big boss gesture.

Tao Yi asked the four girls: "You guys tell me, what is going on?"

The single ponytail girl took the lead and pointed to You Lu and said: "She has to grab someone else's bed. If they don't let it, she will hit someone."

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