Raven: Well, what about you, huh?

Robin: I've gotta stay back here and monitor everything, since I wouldn't exactly feel safe having Beast Boy and Cyborg at home alone.

Cyborg: He's got a point, you know.

y/n: Ok but, why me though?

Robin: You're new here. Nobody's ever seen you before, so you'll be much more convincing. Plus, we need to figure out what you're capable of. Although... you might need a villain name. Any ideas?

Starfire: Ooh... how about... Amazing-Man?

Raven smirks.

Raven: Sounds great to me.

Robin: "Amazing-Man" sounds like a cheap spin-off. Any other ideas?

Cyborg: Well, how about we ask Buzzfeed?

Cyborg swivels the screen around to show me a list of made-up superhero names.

Robin: Power-Man... Torpedo... Captain Canada...  Specter... Water-Man?

y/n: Do you maybe... have any other options?

Beast Boy: Nah, that's badass, bro! Specter is totally a villain name.

Robin: It'll have to do. What about you, Raven?

Raven: The Demon of Azarath. How's that?

She closes her eyes and grins proudly, just as everyone else starts cracking up.

Raven blushes bright red under her cloak and sinks further into the couch.

Raven: Fuck you guys... I'm keeping it!

H.I.V.E. Academy | 11:47 PM

(3rd person POV)

A couple days later, after successfully infiltrating HIVE academy, the undercover Titans are now attending a physics class in an ornately decorated hive-themed lecture hall.

The professor vigorously slashes his chalk across the blackboard as he continues his lecture.

Professor: Based on this observation, we may use the basic formulæ for projectile motion. However, we must also account for inconstant acceleration for both components due to air resistance...

Raven: What part of this is supposed to be helpful again?

She sighs and messily puts her hair up.

Robin (over comms): To blend in, you're gonna have to sit through classes as well.

y/n: Could be worse you know. It's just physics.

Robin: Exactly.

Raven: Yeah well I could also be at home, reading.

y/n: But isn't this your job?

Raven rolls her eyes and leans her head on her palm, pouting.

After another half hour of lecture, class ends. The pair stay behind and watch as the multitude of students briskly packs their things and hurries through the entranceway of the room.

Raven pulls out her phone and starts scrolling.

Raven: So what's our plan?

y/n: Robin said we have to "mingle" with other students.

He makes air quotes with his fingers.

Raven: I'm not mingling.

y/n gets up from his chair and stretches, his muscles rippling through the tight compression shirt he's wearing.

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