y/n: What about Gotham, then?

Bruce: I'm sure the rest of us will have it covered. The Justice League's been slacking off since you started helping out so it's about time they got back to work anyway.

y/n: ...

He walks over and pats me on the shoulder once before heading for the elevator.

Bruce: Don't stress about it. You just need some time to grow.

The doors close on him and the elevator begins moving downwards. I look out at the static Gotham skyline and sigh as the gentle whirring of the elevator slowly fades away from my hearing, leaving me in the company of nothing but my thoughts.

Jump City | 2:37 PM

The plane jolts sharply as it hits the runway, which comes as a rude awakening for a number of passengers who reluctantly begin preparing to disembark.

The unintelligible yammering of the pilot emits from the plane's sound system as I quickly grab my luggage from the overhead compartment and hurry off the plane, normally. Yeah, I'm in a rush but I don't want to draw any unwanted attention by doing some crazy shit like levitating around.

Loudspeaker: Attention, all passengers; departures and arrivals at terminal C have been delayed until further notice...

I make my way past the characteristic long lines of airports and out into the pick-up/dropoff zone. There's some kind of monument out front reading "J.C. International Airport", surrounded by various flags and well-tended shrubbery.

Still not quite sure what to do, I hail a cab and get in.

Driver: Where to?

The driver is a cheerful looking, middle aged black guy wearing a faded MF DOOM t-shirt. His arm is hanging out from the window of the cab, which is rolled all the way down. A weird choice for a city as busy as this, but I guess he's just embraced the polluted air at this point.

y/n: Southside.

I get in the back seat and close the car door as he turns around and begins driving.

Driver: You from around here?

y/n: Yeah.

Life lesson alert: never admit you're not from "around here", especially not in big cities. People like to mess with outsiders. Maybe scam them for a few bucks, even. Ok, life lesson over.

Driver: City's been crawling with psychos lately. If I was you, I would've stayed wherever you came from.

y/n: There's crime everywhere nowadays. At least I feel more at home here.

Driver: Can't argue with that.

Eventually, after about a 20-minute drive, the guy drops me off on a shady looking street corner. I make sure to tip him and he drives off, the sound of the cab engine fading into the distance as I look around. There's a few people hobbling about and the occasional vehicle speeding past the walkers. But other than that, everything seems to be pretty quiet and worn-down.

Southside Jump City is a notorious hotbed for criminals, weirdos, and crackheads alike, which makes it a not-so-desirable residential area to say the least.

I pull out my phone, open up my maps app, and type in the address of an apartment complex that I had been able to find the night before. It was listed as being vacant, so I'm hoping that they weren't lying.

I start walking in the direction of the complex, making it past various corner shops, run-down apartments, and random animals scampering around every so often.

When I finally make it there, I'm met with the sight of a pretty tired-looking building and an old guy with a crazy beard sitting in a deck chair out front.

This is it, I think.

y/n: You own this place?

I point towards the building behind the guy.

Old guy: Yuh!

y/n: ...Great.

Luckily, sorting things out with the "landlord" proves to be relatively easy, and he hands me the key to my new home soon after.

The old guy goes back out front again, and I unlock the door to room 201. There's a decently large central room, furnished with an extra-uncomfortable bed, rickety side table, a chest of drawers, a closet, and a few bookshelves which come with a free bonus stack of comic books from 1975. The bathroom is almost falling apart, and the rest of the apartment doesn't seem to be in great shape either.

I set my stuff down and collapse onto the mattress.

Could be worse, I guess...

9:49 PM

Hours go by and the sun finally sets on the Jump City skyline. I'm just laying on the bed in my apartment, feeling pretty horrible after eating what was quite possibly the worst sandwich I've had in my entire life. For sure it wasn't worth the half-hour wait, but I wasn't really expecting top-tier customer service from some random sandwich place either.

I'm feeling pretty lost right now, not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing since Bruce didn't exactly give me a list of instructions to reference. Sort of annoying to be honest, but I reassure myself that I'll figure something out eventually.

I'm about to grab my phone and waste some more time before I'm suddenly interrupted by a dull explosion rattling the air, followed by the distant sounds of high-pitched sirens and falling debris.

y/n: What the hell?

I bolt up from my bed and levitate out of the open window to get a better look. The cold night air nips at my face as I quietly look around for a few moments before hearing another explosion; this time, much more clearly. I whip around towards the direction of the sound to see a large cloud of smoke rising into the air above the flickering metropolis. I feel a grin start to form on my face as my eyes begin glinting scarlet from excitement.

y/n: God, finally... some action!

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