Chap.12 ♡︎❤︎

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"What the hell do you not understand from 'don't miss an update'..?" Sanemi asked, his eyes piercing with fury, his tone cold, too cold for someone who's anger was usually scorching hot. The rage within him was obvious and merely palpable.

The lights were dim but annoying, there were no windows and only one door with several locks. The walls were gray and completely bare, the floor was dusty and dirt scattered around certain areas. A few dried bloodstains all around and if you concentrated hard enough you could probably hear the hundred different screams the walls have witnessed over the years. There was a single metal table, dirty and somewhat rusty. In the middle of the medium-sized room, a chair, a man tied to the chair, arms tied behind his back, each leg was secured to either leg of the chair.

Sanemi walked around the other person, circling around in a calculating, slow yet steady pace. His eyes looking at the person with disgust, hatred, anger and apathy. Sanemi stayed silent for a while, three full circles he managed to trace before abruptly stopping in front of said mystery person; SAE

SAE shivered as he could almost feel Sanemi's glare, he fucked up, and he just now realized. The hairs in the back of his neck were standing up from the moment he gained consciousness. His head kept screaming at him with panic and horror a constant Run...Run...RUN...

He was starting to get desperate to leave, to scream, to do anything really. But under the close observation and judgement of an angry Shinazugawa, he soon realized his best chance at staying in one piece and with his limbs attached to his body was to shut the fuck up and obey.

"I didn't realize that being sick made you stupid. See, I am no doctor, but I'm pretty sure a shitty cold won't stop you from putting two and two together and sending me a summary. Your task was easy. Are you that fucking stupid?"

He didn't like it. Didn't like how Sanemi didn't have screams coming out of his lips as he pointed out what he did wrong. He instead used an ice cold tone as he picked apart his very existence.

Not a lot of people have seen Sanemi have a Shinazugawa-rage type moment. Usually, the albino would use screaming and yelling for lecturing and threatening. But almost anyone in the 'circle' has seen that. It was effective. However, an apathetic, cold-as-ice demeanor was something that was too dangerous to measure.

Never once while reprimanding someone has SAE witnessed Sanemi's face be void of any expression. There was not an ounce of anything. Just intimidating eyes looking at his very core.

The Shinazugawa rage was something no one would wish to see. To say it was horrifying was an understatement. There was a rumor between the people, about someone who was subjected to one of these experiences with genuine Shinazugawa rage, it was said that after the scolding and threats, said person faked their death and fled the country. Lord only knows what the hell kind of torture was used.

You all may be incredibly confused with all the stuff being described. Before you try and think about it, here is some background information of the Shinazugawa family.

The family has been involved in a type of mafia for generations, for now, Sanemi's and Genya's father is the head and leader. The Shinazugawa name has had a heavy weight to it for years, anyone of the name would be respected, feared or hated by people from the underground.

Sanemi's father, Kyogo, has been ruler of their mafia for a approximately twenty years, having inherited his fathers position from the age of 18. His reign has been one of the bloodiest yet. He doesn't rule alone, alongside him is his wife, Shizu.

Shizu is a sweet, gentle but sometimes violent woman; usually kind but can get aggressive with the right motive.

Kyogo on the other hand is a harsh, arrogant and condescending man. Despite his rough treatment, he's a good leader nonetheless, he gives high pay and a lot of benefits. Giving breaks and vacations to his underlinings. Can't say he's a good father, but a good boss.

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