Chap.7 ♡︎❤︎

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As they saw some more movies, a storm started forming, heavy rain and powerful wind outside. "Hey, dickhead.." Sanemi said, getting the attention of a dozing Tomioka "yes, Shinazugawa-san?" He replies, trying to stay awake "well, there's a fucking storm outside so maybe... you should stay over, it's raining cats and dogs" Giyuu just hummed in return "wait but I don't have pajamas" the albino then let out a fake annoyed sigh.

"I can lend you one dumbass" the raven nodded and thanked Sanemi, the two got changed after Sanemi gave a set of pajamas that were a bit tight for him. Though on Giyuu it was still pretty baggy. "So- uhm.." the blue eyed tries to talk "what?" Sanemi spat back "Good night" Tomioka said, going towards the couch when a pull stoped him "where are you going?" the tallest asked

"Well, to the couch.. to sleep" he responded, making the other roll his eyes "no, we'll sleep together" Sanemi simply stated, Giyuu's cheeks formed a pink-ish red "b-but" he tried to retaliate, only to be cut off by Shinazugawa "oh shut up, it's cold as fuck and you'll die of mother fucking hypothermia, and I ain't sleeping on that shit either" and case closed, the two went over to said room and laid in bed, Giyuu falling asleep almost instantly.

Sanemi on the other hand, turned around to see the peaceful face the raven has while asleep one more time, it always melts his heart. He took out his phone and snapped a quick pic before hugging the others body and nuzzling his nose on Giyuu's neck, taking in the sweet and addicting lavender scent on Giyuu. He then fell asleep, fangirling in his dreams about how close he is to the love of his life.

The next day rolls by and the first to wake up is Sanemi, he tried to stand up to go make breakfast but he was unable to move because Giyuu had his arms hugging his neck and the albino didn't want to wake him up. So, unbothered by the position they're in, he just put his head closer to the ravens neck, inhaling that sweet but refreshing scent that made Sanemi go crazy.

If Sanemi had to choose what to smell for the rest of his life, it would be Giyuu's scent. He laid in bed with the raven a whole hour just smelling his hair, neck, and touching lightly some places. Enjoying every second as if they were hours.

Though Giyuu woke up soon enough with a little yawn, Sanemi thought it was adorable "he looks like a cat..!" The albino thought to himself. "Morning sleepyhead" he said to the tired Giyuu who just lightly smiled "Good morning Shinazugawa-san"

The two stood up and stretched a little, Sanemi went to the kitchen and made some chocolate chip pancakes with bacon on the side. Giyuu just watched Sanemi's every move carefully, blushing ever so slightly. Giyuu wouldn't say it out loud but he enjoyed watching as Sanemi cooked, it was a good pretty sight, and his heart fluttered every time he reminded himself the Shinazugawa was cooking for him.

The albino and raven ate breakfast in a relaxing, quiet environment, sometimes stealing glances of each other. "Thank you for breakfast Shinazugawa-san, it was delicious...!" Giyuu said, Sanemi blushed a bit due to his compliment and just nodded looking away.

Though he did get an idea for Monday.

Giyuu waited laying in bed watching his phone as the other took a shower, Sanemi came out, the towel only on his waist, Giyuu's usually pale cheeks turned dark crimson at the sight. Those well formed muscles that were decorated perfectly with scars. His piercing purple eyes. He had his hair wet, another towel being held by his veiny hands, trying to dry his hair.

Sanemi just smirked but pretended to not notice "take a picture, it'll last longer" he said, shrugging and the smirking his way with a wink. At this point Giyuu was as red as a tomato, unable to answer the flirting, he just went to the bathroom with a towel and took a shower. Sanemi found that cute, he wanted to pinch those cute cheeks so bad and then kiss him on the forehead.

꧁Falling in love꧂ ❤︎︎♡︎SaneGiyuu♡︎♥︎Where stories live. Discover now