Astarion x Reader ;/!

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"I'll be your mirror"
Angst/Fluff Astarion Cazador fanfiction

Enjoy <3


Holding your side you held in a whimper, agony searing through you while you tried to listen to Komira and Loke. About five minutes had passed since you had last understood a word they said, the few that had were very minor, giving you a vague gist of what was happening. You knew it had to do with Arabella and that she was somewhere with Kagha, but other than that the pain in your side had made you feel like you were in a different realm of existence. Soon enough they had seemed to go onto a different topic, their worries moving to other places for a mere moment long enough so you could excuse yourself.

With a murmured apology about their daughter, you wandered out of sight just to the side of their home. Lurching over, lightly holding the wound you had failed to heal for the fourth time. Glancing over your shoulder to make sure no one was watching, you inhaled deeply beginning to peel your shirt off the wound. "Shit," You whined softly, your wound had gotten worse since you had last seen it. Dried blood covered a portion of your side, accompanied by a scattering of colourful bruises ranging from yellow to purple. 'I shouldn't have tried to fight that damn goblin, it's not like I was ever going to get away unscathed.' Feeling sorry for yourself, you tugged your shirt back down and slung your backpack off.

Pulling leather through a silver clasp you opened the bag, searching through it until you finally grasped the bottle you were looking for. "Hopefully this helps" You murmured to yourself as you pulled out the cork of the healing potion. Tilting your head back you hurriedly downed the potion, tossing the bottle back into your bag in case you needed it for a later occasion. With a few swift movements, you closed the bag once again, throwing it back onto your body. A shock of pain ran through your body, a feeling of betrayal was quickly replaced with frustration as you realised you had been sold another fake potion.

Finally gaining some will, you moved away from the wall you had found yourself slouched on. Pushing yourself to keep moving so nobody suspected anything, you held your head high smiling at any who passed you by in the grove. Roughling a hand through your (H/C) you tried to distract yourself from the pain, making your way to the sacred pool in hopes that maybe you could witness Halsin's return. One could only hope that he would soon, Kagha was a disgusting person, and making it impossible for others to access the grove wasn't something he would ever have approved of.

The sacred pool had always made you feel at home, you went there to think when times were bad. When you felt like things were coming to an end or like there was no point it was your safe haven, a lot of good memories had made themselves a home within the stones. As you made your way up the final step you turned your head to the entrance of the grove, expecting to see nothing when you were pleasantly surprised. A group of adventurers had wandered in, it seemed to be a small party of four. Being sure to not cause yourself pain, you carefully made your way over in hopes that they had somehow found the druid.

With every step the group became clearer, you made out the boy who was at the front first, he couldn't have been any older than you with brown-cusping-on-black hair and blue eyes. Beside him stood a girl with black hair, as well as a female gith but you couldn't see directly behind him. Taking a couple more steps closer, a voice cut above all the rest causing your knees to buckle as you fell to them. The ache in your side was impossible to notice as the man moved aside to reveal the pale elf. Feelings flooded through you in waves, some joyous while others sang a more sorrowful tune.

There he was, the man you had lost years ago. His eyes were red, his hair white as snow yet he was still the sarcastic man you had fallen in love with. Everything began to slow as he met your gaze, his charming smile faltering as he began to recognise you. Tears threatened to spill as you mustered what you could of a smile for him. "(Y/N)?..." He questioned, his body became alert as he rushed over to you, your heart yearned for his touch as he came closer. As soon as he reached you, his arms flung around you, his head buried into your shoulder as he silently held you. For the first time in years, you felt at peace. Breathing in his scent you began to sob into him, soaking his shirt as he held you.

"This is where you have been hiding?... Of course, you were." Tightening his hold on you he played with your hair as you struggled to find the right words. The other druids took up too much of his party's time for them to see what was going on. Moving your head from his shoulder, you took in his features for what felt like the first time. He looked so different to what you knew, yet it somehow suited him in a way you couldn't describe. A broken, shakey laugh left you as you placed a hand on his icy cheek, rubbing it lightly with your thumb. "Astarion," His name passed through your lips so easily, like it was simply breathing. "It's been so long, what happened to you..." Curiosity reared its head for your lost love, "That's a long story, my dear. It's not a pretty tale either." His hand reached up to mimic yours, the feeling of his freezing skin against your hot flesh was something so strangely comforting.

You nodded lightly, settling your face into his palm, and kissing it gently. "I have all the time in the world to talk to you, it's been decades since I've last been able to." The heartache returned, the memory of when he left. It had been a simple task, he had told you it would only be a few days only for him to have never returned. You didn't leave a stone unturned, checked everywhere you thought he would have been. Soon you began to think he didn't want to be found, like this was his way of saying he never wanted to see you again.

Yet here he was, holding you like he never had before, comforting you with mere actions. No matter how hard you had tried to forget him, it had always ended up in failure. The oak father clearly had different plans for you than once believed. "I've missed you so much" Astarion's voice was barely above a whisper, his red eyes bore into yours as he searched for something. "Your eyes aren't green anymore, yet these somehow suit you" A small smile rested on your face as you placed a small kiss on his cheek. "I- Well- Um" Your smile only grew as you watched him fumble his words, his eyes meeting the ground as he seemed to think about something for a long time. "Green?" He mumbled softly, your ears perked up as you looked at him with surprise.

"Yes, they were green my love," Your hand reached up from his cheek, twisting into his silver hair. "Your hair was once a light brown, you were quite the catch if I do say so myself" He couldn't hide his emotions from you even if he tried, he was upset as well as confused. "Honestly I couldn't remember..." He let out a sorry laugh, "But I guess you'll just have to remind me, hm?" There he was, the man you remembered. The man who would always try to make others feel better when he was down. Placing a light kiss on his lips, resting your forehead against his. "I will always be your mirror darling."

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