Billy Loomis x Reader !

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Billy Loomis x Reader
Angst/Minor horny thoughts
Enjoy! <3


Hauling your backpack over your shoulder, you let a sigh escape your lungs. It had only been a couple of months since you'd become a student of Woodsborough High, and already something horrible had happened. A girl by the name of Casey Becker alongside her boyfriend Steven Orth had been gutted in her own home. Even though you were shaken when you found out, you were more pissed off at the fact that you still had to go to school.

"Come on honey! You're gonna be late!" You forced back a groan at your mother's sickeningly sweet tone, since you had moved state for your father's work she had become overbearing. She was before of course, but now it was like she was shoving school down your throat with a rusted shovel. Slamming the car door shut, you stared out of the window as the radio murmured out the incident once again. The vehicle whined, pressing on at 30 miles an hour to your hell-like school.

Thankfully, she hadn't tried to talk to you on the ride there, probably listening to the retelling again in horror. Turning the last corner, you felt your stomach turn as you saw reporters harassing students in front of the school. 'Jesus give it a rest.' "Make sure to hand in your homework-" Immediately, you tuned out her annoying rant. It was the same one every single day, though you were sure she had probably added something about coming straight home. If the murder proved anything, it was that the killer didn't care about breaking and entering.

As soon as she pulled up on the sidewalk, you through your backpack on once again and swung the car door open. Keeping yourself closed in, you pushed past reporter after reporter to the front door, ignoring every comment or question thrown at you. It felt as if you were being suffocated by them, they wouldn't know a social cue if it smacked them in the face.

After a good few passive-aggressive glares, some shoving and a couple "Excuse me"'s you made it into the building. The hallways were vastly quieter, even with the bumble of students making their way to their first classes, chatting amongst themselves. Silently you moved through the waves of people to your locker, grabbing your books and pencil case out of your bag before shoving it into the metal casing. 'I should've just ditched' Dragging your feet, you forced yourself over to your homeroom class. Regret filled your stomach to the brim, leaving a foul taste in your mouth as you entered the loud classroom.


Thankfully, the slasher movie like murder had drawn away from the constant bothering you got from being the new girl in town. You had managed to find a quiet place to eat your terribly made packed lunch, which consisted of whatever you could find in your kitchen the night before: an apple, a packaged croissant and a caprisun. 'A feast for a king.' Smirking at your own snide comment, you dug in while listening to the conversations of your fellow schoolmates. Taking a large bite of your croissant, you were blissfully unaware as you listened to the gossip of the five people sitting on the fountain near your bench.

"Hey did they ask you if you like to hunt?" A sip of your caprisun quenched your thirst at the question, you had been dragged out of class like everyone else, but you were certain you hadn't been asked that. "Yeah, they did. They ask you?" 'That's a dumb question.' "Hunt? Why would they ask you if you'd like to hunt?" This time the blonde had piped up, each of her words made her sound more and more like an airhead. "Cause their bodies were gutted." It felt as if your body had turned to ice, sure you had heard all about the murders over the radio, how it happened. However, this seemed far too casual, too calm.

Letting your eyes snap up to the owner of the voice, you saw the lanky boy who sat next to you in Math. His name was Stu Macher, from rumours you had heard he had dated Casey Becker a couple of months back before he got dumped by her for her now-deceased boyfriend. Time seemed to slow as you carefully listened to the rest of their conversation, hoping you hadn't missed much.

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