4-Calm and wild, Turn the lights off

Start from the beginning

I feel it and open the book, writing down all I can faster than I ever have before

Excitement runs through my body.

I can't believe this is happening!


I walk over to Cheesy's door, I need him to get the comedy special set up. I knock on his door.

...No response.

I can definitely hear he's in there. I knock again.

"Cheesy? Can you come out? I need your help."

...Still nothing. It's like he's ignoring me

I can hear him rustling in his room. The sound of pencil scraping paper is loud and clear through the door. I grab the door knob and turn it a bit, opening it and peaking into his room.

He's on his desk with headphones in writing in a book. I don't know how loud he set his headphones to, but it must be pretty loud.

"Cheesy!" I yell. He immediately jumps in his chair and slams the book shut. He turns to his phone and pauses the music.

"Sorry OJ, What's up?"

"I need your help for setting up the comedy special."

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot that was tomorrow!"

He jumps out of his seat and puts the book in a compartment in his desk. ...I'm not even gonna ask why he has that.

He walks out the room and closes the door.

"Okay OGay, Let's do this!"

"Excuse me?"



Trophy awoke from his sleep. His phone had died so the music had turned off, which was kind of a bummer for him because he actually liked the playlist.

But, there was something itching his mind.

Why had Cheesy made a 'gay thoughts' playlist?

He figured it might've been for comedic effect, but it was weird....

Cheesy had always said he was straight. He had always identified as cisgender and straight. Whenever someone brought up his sexuality or gender though, he'd get nervous. Sometimes even defensive. And don't even get him started on the mention of his parents. He'd always try to change the subject or avoid the question. Whenever someone called him "gay" (derogatory or not) he would either get upset or flustered. He would always deny it. Cheesy was always the funny, upbeat, outgoing jokester. He never got upset, But this is the only time Trophy would see him unhappy.

It made Trophy a bit uneasy. Seeing him unhappy and all, It felt sort of...surreal.

Cheesy was always smiling. He always had such a warm expression on his face. He told you jokes when you were feeling down. He could make anyone smile. But as soon as you mentioned those things, it's like his whole personality changes.

Trophy pondered about why Cheesy would act like this. He wanted to get to the bottom of it.


Cheesy was setting up stuff for the comedy special until he got a notification on his phone. He opened it and checked the message.

Totally NOT In love. (Comedy gold/Tropheesy)Where stories live. Discover now