Chapter 10: A spar with...NIGHTMARE MOON?!!!!!

Start from the beginning

Now some of you may be wondering why I am laying on the roof at night and to answer your question is that I am trying to think of a way to explain to the royal sisters about my knowledge of Equestria and the beings here through a TV show from my world. Then again how do you explain to 2 immortal sisters that they along with their world is presented in the form of a TV show aimed to sell toys for little girls and that there is a fandom dedicated to the show itself. I did want to tell the girls, but a part of me is scared at how they will react once I tell them, will they freak out and question their own existence, will they get mad at me for keeping this from them, will this destroy the friendship we formed together?


I sat up as I could feel a headache coming in as I begin to rub the sides of my head in the hopes of relieving the ache of all these thoughts running around my head. I hate having to keep secrets from the sisters, but at the same time I am also worried that it may lead to some problems in the future and the last thing I want is to cause any problems here in Equestria.

"Oh, and what seems to be troubling you my little human?"

Said a female voice as I got up to my feet as I looked around in all directions trying to find the source of the voice but to no avail it the was then that I got to a defensive stance once I heard the voice giggling mischievously.

"Whoever you are you better show yourself." I said in a demanding tone as a mist of black smoke appeared before blue cat like eyes appeared before me as I readied myself knowing damn well who it was and somehow, I could almost see her grin at me with a fanged smile. I then formed an energy spear and began to twirl it around my right hand before pointing it directly at the black with serious gaze as I waited for it to make the first move until-...

"Enough of your games sister. This human is not to be trifled with so would you please present yourself as your true self and not as what you are now." Said the voice Luna who was being held by Eris as they float down as Luna's wing was still wounded.

The mist proceeds to swirl around before taking on a more solid form only for my eyes to go wide at the being before me as she stood before me her coat as black as the night sky, her mane and tail flowing with a blueish glow, she wore a top and skirt in dark blue with purple blue accents in certain parts as she wore boots of the same design that reach up to her knees. Though what stood out to me the most were the horn and wings as the being crossed her arms underneath her bust as she looked at me with her blue cat like eyes and a smirk on her face.

Note: I had a hard time finding an image of this pony and had to use this since she I wanted to present her without armor than the other pictures of her. Also, shoutout to the one who made this design for it is the most beautiful that I have ever seen.

"My it seems that the human is a bit starstruck don't you think sister?" said the alicorn before me as I looked at Luna in shock at this.

"WAIT SISTER?" I half yelled at Luna as she groans in annoyance before nodding at my question. Eris seems to giggle at this as she waves at me to which I wave back still in shock at all of this.

"Yes Mr. McCloud allow me to introduce you to my other sister Nightmare Moon." She said in a tone that sounded as if she was annoyed at this whole situation. As the dark alicorn proceeded to perform a curtsy towards me her dark wings extended lightly before folding back onto her back as she stood back up.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Frank McCloud my sister has told me a lot about you." Said Moon as she proceeded to walk towards me and proceed to place her hand at the side of my cheek to my bewilderment.

"However, she didn't mention that you were also a handsome battle-ready warrior especially with how ready you were ready to fight me with those glimmering yellow eyes of yours." She said only to pulled away from me as glowing blue aura pulled her by the tail and beside Luna who glared at the dark alicorn.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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