Chapter 6: The Talk....

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Chapter 6: The Talk....

Frank Pov

I thought that I would never be surprised after all the crap I went through back on earth, unfortunately it seems fate wants to prove me wrong once again at this very moment as I sit before two incredibly attractive alicorn sisters wait god damn it brain stop it...

As I sat, there in silence after saying *Oh Fuck* and was facing down as many thoughts came rushing into my head. Things like wait that is a thing like this here. Will I be hunted down by every single mare because of this including the princesses who offered me a home here? Does that one of them may try to rape me and I will be forced to fight back?

"Frank are you alright?" asked Celestia as I was broken out of my thoughts as I raised my head and noticed the worried faces of the royal sisters. I shook my head and tried to calm myself though I would be lying if I said that this was not going to be an odd discussion.

"I apologize for the comment your majesties. Your question caught me off guard though may I ask why you're asking me this?" I said as this causes the two to blush while Eris giggles at this.

"Well.... during certain seasons, the mares undergo something called heat season. It is a time when the mares begin to become fertile and start seeking out a stallion to mate." Said Celestia as I had a neutral expression on my face.

"Okay, but why are you telling me this?" I asked though deep down I knew the answer as Luna decided to answer this part.

"Very soon the mares will be undergoing heat season including me and my sister." She said though her voice went low when she mentioned herself and her sister. It was then that Eris proceeded to wrap herself around my body like a snake.

"You will soon be having mares coming after you in the hopes of having a strong stud like yourself to impregnate them and with that tool hanging between your legs, I can tell the mares will be incredibly happy in the end." She said as my face went red from her words as she was surrounded by a golden aura made by an angry looking Celestia who stood up on her hooves and proceeded to pull Eris off of me before to tossing her to the wall hard leaving an indent as slides to the floor with spirals in her eyes as stars spun around her head.

"Enough Eris the last thing we want if for our new friend to get the wrong idea from us." Said an angry Celestia who proceeds to bow her head to me. "I am sorry for that Frank though what she said is true though.... I MEAN ABOUT MARES WANTING TO BE IMPREGNATED!" She said immediately as I nodded and began to rub the back of my head sheepishly.

"Please understand that a mares heat is something they cannot control. It is a burning sensation that can cause a mare to go mad with lust and will cause them to seek out any stallion to calm it down. And due to the population having more mares than stallions some stallions are forced into pleasing multiple mares at once causing them to go into hiding or leave town once it starts. And for alicorns the effects are stronger and more painful as well." Said Luna as this was starting to make me nervous since I did not have to deal with this sort of thing back home.

Most guys would have been envious of me if they were in my situation, but I am not like most guys as I raised better thanks to my parents. It was then that I looked back to them noticing the worried looks on their faces as I sighed at this.

"I see. It is something that the females of you race naturally go through during the seasons and I can't faulter you or your ponies for undergoing something that they cannot control. And I am grateful for the both of you and Eris for letting me know about this sooner rather than at the last minute because I honestly would not know what to do in a situation like that." I said with a shrug to which the royals sighed in relief from my answer before smiling at me.

Frank...My name is FrankKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat