Chapter 1: WTF

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Chapter 1: WTF

Canterlot castle moments earlier

It was a normal day for princess Celestia simply wake up, raise the sun, get dressed, and proceed with day court as she always does. However, today was rather an annoying as the noble by the name of Jet set was trying to request the right to raise the taxes on the commoners so that the other nobles would have to pay less taxes. Celestia loved her little ponies but was beginning to feel annoyed at the ludicrous request that the nobles have made. In fact, one of them made a request to tear down a local orphanage so to build a summer home for whatever reason.

Just as she was about to deny the nobles request, she senses something, an energy source coming from the everfree. Though what caught her attention was that the energy she sensed was not magical but something very powerful. She then coughs lightly getting the nobles attention as well as the others in the throne room.

"I apologize for the interruption Jet Set, but something urgent has come up and must be dealt with. We will continue where we left in another time again I apologize for the inconvenience for I must end day court at this time." she says in her usual motherly tone to which the noble bowed in understanding as he and the others begin to leave out the throne room. However she did spot some who were displeased at the sudden action to which she rolled her eyes at as much as she loved her beloved ponies the nobles were always a major pain in the flank for her and her sister.

Once the throne room was empty, she closed her eyes as her horn began to glow brightly. And in a bright flash she was gone and then reappeared in the entrance of her former home. The castle of the two sisters now laid in ruins over a thousand years before her, how it was once her home before the inevitable fight with her sister, her banishment, and the guilt that came with it as well.

Celestia shook her head reminding herself of the reason as to why she was here, as the disturbance from before came from as she lit up her horn again to reveal that the source of the disturbance was just behind her.

"I know your here. There is no point in hiding so it be best if you revealed yourself." she said in a commanding tone though was secretly charging up a spell if a fight were to begin.

"ummm hi" said a male to which got her attention as she turned around.

However, what came out from behind the rubble was something that shocked her as her eyes went wide at what was before her.

A human but not just any human a male human dressed in a black V-neck t-shirt, with blue jeans, black belt wrapped around his waist, while wearing black converse shoes in its feet. He also sported a black fingerless glove on his left hand while his right arm was covered in white bandages as wore a pair of circular glasses over his nose.

Celestia had heard stories about humans from old legends how they were once great warriors, magic users, and many other things, yet this human was different as he was emanating a power unlike anything she had felt before. As she would soon find herself being drawn to the human as she began to slowly approach him and once she was front of him had placed her hand on the left side of his cheek.

Celestia didn't know why, but she could feel her heart begin to beat very fast by how close she was to the human and how she could feel the power she was emanating as she touched as her heart began to beat much faster. But once she looked into his eyes his shining yellow eyes something withing her snapped as she then kisses him as her mind went blank as she could feel a sensation that she had never felt before as sensation that sent shivers down her spine as she enjoyed every last moment of it.

Sadly, the moment had ended when the human pushed her away to her dismay.

"Que demonios fue eso porque me besaste?" he said surprised and confused at what had happened, however the princess did not answer as her head was down. For a moment the human thought that he may have offended her. Just then her wings shoot out from her back as she lifts her head up with hearts on her eyes with a crazed smile on her face as she was breathing heavily as the human was starting to feel very freaked out as he put his arms up and was slowly stepping back.

"now just calm down there, let us not do anything craz- "the human was cut off as Celestia pounces him causing him to roll out of the way. "fuck this shit I'm out" he said as he runs off in high-speed leaving a dust trail as he heads toward the everfree forest and leaving a stunned and possibly horny princess behind. Passing through many trees he makes a stop behind the trunk of a dead tree and leans on it as he tries to catch his breath not due to the run but from what just happened.

"I have been through many things but getting kissed by one of favorite ponies from mlp just made it to my wtf list." he says trying to calm down his still beating heart however he doesn't notice the large creature slowly approaching him.

The human starts to slowly calm down as he begins to process what had happened however, he notices a weird smell as he sniffs the air. The creature then begins to get closer as it prepares to pounce as the human continues to sniff the air and upon looking toward the direction of the smell sees a large creature leaping towards him.

Back with Celestia she continues her shocked expression after seeing the human runaway with a speed that could rival that of a certain cyan Pegasus, she as her mind began to clear up from whatever trance as she shook her head and her eyes returning to her natural state.

"By the sun what happened?" she asked herself as she tried to recall what had happened. After a brief silence she then recalls what had brought her here and how the being before was none other than a human and one that she remembered locking lips with. Once she recalled how she had kissed him her face had turned bright red as her heart began to flutter. "w-why did I kiss him? By my mother why did I do that?" She said in an embarrassed tone as her face was becoming redder than before however her moment was cut short when a loud roar was made as she looked toward the direction of the sound her eyes then went wide when she remembers which way the human had ran off as Celestia immediately spread her wings and began to fly towards the forest.

Lighting up her horn she tries to sense the same energy that lead her to the old castle in the hopes of finding the human quickly. Once she had a lock on it, she immediately flew towards it praying to Faust that the human was okay and not in any major danger knowing the kinds of creatures that dwell in the Everfree.

Once she arrived to where the human was Celestia went wide eyed at what she saw as a large manticore was fighting against the human who was surprisingly holding his own against the fearsome beast. Though what shocked the princess was the fact that the biped was none other than the human from before who is seen punching the manticore with its hands sending it back a few steps. As the manticore swipes its right paw toward the human he would simply sidestep the creature before delivering a right hook to its snout the manticore then thrusts its scorpion tail toward the human only for him to jump over the strike and drove both of his feet toward the creature's face sending it back even more. The creature then roars as it pounces toward the human as he catches the manticore with its arms lifting it up in the air before tossing the manticore toward some trees as it slams onto them before hitting the ground. The manticore them tries to get up only the human to let out a roar of his own.

This causes Celestia to cover her ears by how loud the roar was as the manticore was now trembling in both pain and in fear from the human who was now upset.

"I didn't want to fight you, but you forced my hand. Now leave me alone or I will end your miserable existence and turn you into a rug you got that!!!" the human screamed as it was enough to have the manticore run with its tail between its legs.

Celestia was still slacked jawed at the whole event as the human who was now calming down from the fight as he turns to see the solar diarchy just a few feet away. "crap" he says as he was about to run "please don't run I assure to you that I mean no harm" said the princess with an outstretched arm toward the human. "I apologize for my actions earlier near the castle, for I was not in the right mindset at the time. And only wish to start over and to properly introduce myself. My name is Princess Celestia ruler of the sun and co-ruler of equestria. May I ask what your name is?"

The human was a bit cautious due to what happened before, but upon looking into the princess's eyes he could tell that she was telling the truth. And after taking a deep breath and exhaling he then responds to her in a calmer tone. "My name is Frank......Frank McCloud."

Frank...My name is FrankWhere stories live. Discover now