Chapter 4: Staying in the castle and meeting Eris?!!!

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Chapter 4: Staying in the castle and Meeting Eris?!!!

Frank Pov

We stayed like this for what felt like forever as I stood there in the embrace of the Royal sisters something that I did not think would ever happen to me, but I knew this would soon end as they let go of me and stood before me. They wiped the tears from their eyes as I did the same as we tried to calm ourselves though mostly me since it had been a while since I cried like that.

"I am sorry for making you both cry. I never intended for that to happen, but I am glad that you both were willing to accept me and for that I thank you both." I said and happily smiled something I have not done for a long time after all the bullshit I went through, but now for once in my life I felt happy. Though this made the royals blush which I found odd but snickered at their reaction. "You know you both look cute when you blush." I said with honesty as this made them go even redder and look away from me as I snickered again.

Soon Celestia lightly coughed as she and Luna calmed themselves as they looked at me though a tinged of red was still on their faces.

"Well...with that said there is still the matter of where you will be staying." Said Celestia as her sister nodded as this caught my attention. "Oh right. Well, I first thought I could stay in ponyvile, but I think that would make the residents nervous after the attack that happened, so I figured maybe the everfree-..." I said however the princesses did not seem to like that.

"NO, YOU WONT!!!!!" Said the two princesses as they used the Canterlot voice on me, though this time I was able to cover my ears as the castle shook a bit once that happened, they both composed themselves as I removed my hands from my ears to listen to what they had to say.

"You are correct about my ponies maybe a bit nervous about you since you stopped the attack from the raiders and the dragon. Which is why you will be staying here in the castle in one of guest rooms for the time being." Said Celestia as I went wide eyed as Luna said her part. "We figured this was the best way to repay you for saving our ponies and to better prepare you for when we introduce you to the rest of our subjects though we may have a meeting with the dragon lord pretty soon as well." I stood there a bit surprised but realized that they had a point still I figured that they would have wanted to have me live somewhere else, but who am I to deny good hospitality.

"You make an excellent point your majesty and I thank you both for offering a place of residence here in the castle, honestly I do not know how I could ever repay you both for such kindness." I said sincerely as they both smiled which was pretty if you ask me.

"That won't be necessary Frank we only wish to make your stay here in our kingdom to be the best and to possibly get to know our new super friend as well." Said Celestia who smiled brightly as I raised an eyebrow at her comment of being called friend not that I minded it was just that I did not think it would happen this fast. Before I could say anything Luna then speaks her mind.

"Though there is still the matter on your clothing Mr. McCloud so that you're not exposing too much of your.... body." she said though I noticed that she stopped before saying body as I examined what was on me as it was nothing but my jeans, belt, converse shoes, and left fingerless glove. Thankfully, my shoes wear not worn out, but my jeans had some various tares and holes, my sunglasses however did not survive the dragon fire that was shot at me, and that I may need a new t-shirt to cover my upper body who I am comfortable without one for so long I will never know.

"You do have a point Princess Luna and I may need to find a new shirt, sunglasses, and pants to not walk around naked and all." I commented though for a moment the two were spacing out before shaking their heads and looking back to me.

Frank...My name is FrankWhere stories live. Discover now