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Hello, my name is Frank McCloud, and I am a human or at least I look like one. But due to a gauntlet that is now merged into my right arm I had obtained unique abilities and had to save my planet from an alien warlord and his generals. But once that was over, I soon found myself being hunted by my own people some believing me to be a threat while others want to harvest my DNA. Force to leave behind those close to me I am now on the run in the hopes of finding a place where I can live in peace and away from everyone on earth. But no matter where I go, they always find me the military hot on my tail as I travel from various parts of the world, yet they still came after me.

It wasn't until they had me cornered that I thought they had me but just then from out of nowhere a portal appears and I was sucked in.

And this is where my story takes place where my new life had begun my new life in Equestria.......

Location: Everfree forest/ Castle of the two sisters.

A bright flash is made as a strange being is seen flat on his chest on the ground of the ruined castle of the royal sisters. The being then goes wide eyed and quickly pushed himself up his heart racing as he looks at his surroundings. The sight of broken-down debris and vines surround him as he tries to make sense of what was going on as the last thing he could recall was a soldiers surrounding him, a bright flash, and soon spiraling down a tunnel of flashing lights. Now finding himself in a strange new area as he tries not to lose his balance all that could come from his mouth were 3 words.


"WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!" he said in a panic as his heart was racing. "This place it... looks like a castle looks run down. Wait a castle does that mean I was sent to the past like in the medieval times?"

He continues his rant for a few minutes before realizing that he needed to breath as his heart seemed to be trying to burst from his chest during his outburst. Sighing for a moment he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as he proceeds to slowly exhale a bit of red fire coming out of his mouth. He opens his eyes to reveal yellow glowing irises with slits in between his nerves beginning to calm down as he stood there standing.

"Okay I can see that I am no longer in the forest that much is known. But what I don't understand is why am I in a castle now?"

He says as he looks around noticing that he was in a room of some sort however what stood out were the two throne looking chairs that stood beside each other. The one on the left had the mark of a yellow sun with some of its design or what's left of it painted in gold and red. The other one the right had the marking of blue crescent moon with some of its design in black and light blue paint.

"well this is new" he said as he looked around even more and noticed some light gleaming out from the ceiling revealing a large hole as vines and gleam of sunlight seem to enter inside the throne room.

Taking this as his chance to get out he kneels himself in one knee before shooting himself up in the air and through the hole he finds himself in the clear blue sky as he stops his body now floating in a high altitude. And as he looks around, he now sees the entire landscape and boy was it full of green even greener than the garden state of New Jersey. The feeling of the suns light shining upon him fills him in a calm warmth as the sound of birds could be heard as well as the gentle breeze that blew past him. He then proceeds to float down as he finds himself now in front entrance of the old castle or at least what was left of it and continued to look around. Just then he a feeling had swept over him a presence that felt strangely warm coming towards him.

He then spots a large pile of debris and immediately hides behind it as he waited for whatever to appear. The smart thing was to just simply leave but for some reason a part of him just wanted to stay put and wait and soon she appeared.

The most beautiful being that he ever seen but what made his eyes go wide was who it was. But none other than Princess Celestia.

She was a tall slender white woman with white fur, her iconic rainbow hair flowing through the air. Dressed in a white gown with what looked like golden crown on her head, bracelets around her wrists and what looked like golden horseshoes around her hooves. Though what really stood out the most was the fact that she was an anthro and standing on her two hooves and with a figure that would make any female cry in envy.

"I know you're here" she said in a commanding tone that spoke of power but was strangely alluring. "There is no point in hiding so it be best for you to reveal yourself."

The man was not sure whether to reveal himself not knowing how Celestia would react to seeing a human. He knew from the many stories he read of mlp humans could be a hated enemy to the ponies or this Celestia could be a tyrant. He didn't know why but a part of him wanted to reveal himself to the solar diarchy and just wing it. So, against his better judgment he slowly gets up from the rubble standing up.

"umm hi?" he says as Celestia turns around only to go wide eyed at the being before her. Judging from how it spoke it was male but that wasn't what shocked her as she stepped forward to her slowly. The male simply stood still not knowing what to do as the princess was right in front of him and was looking straight at him. She places her 4 fingered hand on the side of his left cheek and before he knew it had his lips colliding with hers in deep passionate kiss.

Deep within the recesses of the man's mind he only said one thing.

(What the living FUCK!!!!!)

Frank...My name is FrankWhere stories live. Discover now