Chapter 2: introductions/ First Strike Part 1

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Chapter 2: Introductions/ First Strike Part 1

Frank Pov

We stood before each still not saying a thing after telling each other our names and boy was this feeling very awkward for the both of us, but when you think about it what can you say to someone who you saw from a tv show and is standing before you. I looked away rubbing the back of head trying to figure what to say and decided to just wing it as I took a deep breath and looked back at her.

"So, what happens n-..." I was cut off by a beam of blue energy that was shot straight into my chest as I was sent flying back as few feet a before landing on my back and looking up in the sky wondering why this happened.

"Sister, are you alright?" said a female voice as he raised my head up to see another alicorn however unlike Celestia she was a bit shorter than her had dark purple coat with hair that looked like the nights sky itself, a black crown, a light blue dress that fits her body very nice, and silver horse shoes. For this alicorn was none other than princess Luna co-ruler of Equestria and ruler of the Moon another pony that I liked from the show as her older sister stood stupefied as I slowly got to my feet.

"Luna what in Equestria are you doing?" said Celestia as stood up fanning the smoke that was emitting from my chest from the projectile that was thrown at me as Luna then turned back to me her horn lit in a blue aura and her hands aimed at me. "I was awakened by a loud roar coming from the forest and after sensing the source of it along with your magic, I realized that you were in battle with something powerful and came rushing to your aid sister." Luna responded to which I face palmed knowing that scaring off a manticore with a roar was not the best idea.

"Your highness I was not fighting Princess Celestia, well technically I was fighting, and I did let out a loud roar, but it wasn't directed to her." I said however I could tell by the glare in her eye that she was not buying it then again, she could be mad at the fact that something loud woke her up since she usually sleeps during the day. "Oh, then who prey tell were you fighting that would require you to roar out like that from the Everfree Forest to the castle of Canterlot?" She said in demanding tone as her horn and hands began to charge up with magic as sighed at this and told her the truth. "A manticore managed to get the drop on when I wasn't looking and after fending it off with my bare hands I had enough and roared at it to make it stop to which it did and soon ran away." I could tell that she did not believe me and honestly who could blame her it was then that Celestia came in and told her side of the story in the hopes of preventing a fight between me and her sister god bless that mare.

"Luna he is telling the truth he was fighting a manticore with nothing but his hands and scared it off with a roar I know this may sound hard to believe but I can assure that it's the truth." Said Celestia as she was trying to calm her sister down. "Forgive me sister if I find that hard to believe, but how can something like this one face off against a manticore who its size is twice and with nothing, but its bare hands?" Said Luna at this point I had to explain myself as I stood before them Luna was going to hit me with another blast before Celestia rushed to me to both our surprise.

"Frank are you alright, you're not hurt, are you?" she said in a concerned tone as I raised an eyebrow as her sister was in disbelief at this. "I am fine. In fact, I barely felt it sting my skin" I said as they look toward to where Luna's spell hit me only to see no damage done to me but a hole that was burned to my shirt.

"H-how is this possible? That was an attack spell I used should have damaged you, but there is not a single scratch on you. Said Luna to which I sighed at this knowing that I would have to explain everything to them and I was not sure if this was the right idea on one hand they would understand my predicament and would offer me sanctuary in this land, but on the other they would see me as a potential threat and would probably turned to stone like Discord that is if the elements of Harmony would work on me if Luna's attack spell is any indication.

"Are you even listening to me?" Said Luna in an angry tone as I just realized that while I was busy thinking about what to do, I had unintentionally been standing there not saying a thing to which I really need to stop doing.

"Well, your highness it's a bit of a long story, but I assure to you that I am not threat to you or princess..." I was cut off from a loud roar coming from the distance. "Que demonios fue ese?" I said as a scroll appeared before Celestia with the seal of a six-pointed star and as the princess began to read it her eyes go wide as she looks to her sister. "Luna a dragon is attacking ponyvile!"

"But what's a dragon doing in ponyvile I thought the last dragon that was nearby was relocated thanks to the element bearers." Responded Luna as Celestia was writing another letter before sending it off through her magic. "I am not sure sister but from what Twilight mentioned it seems to possess some strange power and is leading a group of raiders into the town. I have already sent a message for reinforcements, but in the meantime, we will need to aid the citizens until they arrive."

"In which direction is the town?" I asked as Luna raised a brow as Celestia responded "down this path, but why do you..." she did not get to finish as I sprinted down the path at full speed.

Frank...My name is FrankWhere stories live. Discover now