Chapter 7: The Reveal

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"Princess is it true that the attack was stopped by an unknown being?" asked one news pony.

"Did this being also save a mare and the princess of Friendship?" Asked another.

"Could the dragon attack be a declaration of war from the dragon kingdom?" asked the nobles and soon opened more questions.

"Our dear subjects please calm yourselves so that we can answer your questions in an orderly fashion." Said the lunar princess as the crowd began to calm down.

"Now then to start off no, the attack was not a declaration of war from the dragon kingdom as it was a fugitive from the kingdom the dragon lord herself has been hunting down and was brought down by the same being that came to the towns aid." Said Luna as Celestia continues off.

"And yes, this being is also the one that saved a mare and our fellow princess Twilight Sparkle. And that being is a human called Frank McCloud from another world." she said however this catches every ponies attention at the mention of a being called human and the part of the human being from another world and soon more questions started to come.

Some of these questions range from what a human is? What is it doing here? And some of them asked if this human is not some monster pretending to be a hero only to attack us when we least expect it. Hearing this Spitfire and Rainbow frowned at this since it was the nobles that were asking that question as the royal sisters were not happy to hear that but kept a neutral face as Celestia cleared her throat as the crowd simmered down.

"To start a human is a being with a similar body structure to us ponies only they do not have have hooves, horns, or wings. As for what he is doing here he was brought here through a portal that appeared before him from his world bringing him to the old castle in the everfree forest where me and my sister were able to make first contact with." She responded as Luna says her piece.

"As for the last question Mr. McCloud is not a monster. We have learned a lot about him when we brought him to our castle and with the aid of a lie detection spell, he told us his story and what he has been through before coming to this world." Luna responded as she tried not to look sad after remembering what Frank had told her and her sister.

"Where is this human?" said one of the news ponies as many also wondered as well as they expected the human to be there beside the princesses.

A loud whistle was made as every pony looked around wondering where the sound was coming from, however it was then that one pony spots something from the sky as she raises a trembling finger pointed up. Once the others notice this, they all look up and go wide-eyed at the sight of a bipedal being wearing a white trench coat and a black glove over his right hand floating in the air with no wings as he waves at the crowd before flying down and as he gets closer the news ponies begin taking pictures of the biped as he sets himself down on the podium before the royal sisters.

"Sorry for being late your majesties I had already gotten dressed when I realized what time it was, so I flew here quickly and arrived when some pony was asking about me." Said the human who was rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as every pony stare at him with mouths agape.

Spitfire and Eris watched in amusement though they did like the new clothing their human friend was sporting while Steel Wing just snorts in annoyance, and Rainbow Dash was trying desperately not to go all fan girl after seeing the human flying in the sky. The royal sisters were just surprised at the human's attire aside as the dress shirt, pants, and sneaker he usually wears what drew them was the coat he was wearing that had their cutie marks on each arm. They soon shook their heads remembering what they were doing as Celestia clears her throat.

Frank...My name is FrankWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt