Chapter 6: The Talk....

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"Thank you for understanding Frank." Said Celestia who smiled brightly at me.

"Indeed, we were afraid that you would get the wrong idea of us once you learned about what our ponies and us included will be going through very soon. Thank you for understanding." Said Luna who smiled sweetly at me.

I do not know why but for some reason seeing these two smiles at me caused me to feel strange as I felt my checks go warm as I looked away.

"It's no problem your majesties. So, what do you suppose I do when heat season arrives?" I questioned but just before the princesses could say anything Eris then appears beside me.

"Well one idea would be to help the royals with their heat." She said as Celestia and Luna gave a death glare towards Eris who had her hands up. "Oh, come on with a tool that big you can't just make a pass on that." She commented as the sisters frowned at her response as I raised an eyebrow at her comment.

"Eris neither me nor my sister would ever suggest that. Even if he helps us with our heat the last thing, we want is to force our new friend into mating." Said Luna as Celestia nodded her head.

"Even though his tool is impressive." Whispered Celestia but thanks to my enhanced hearing I was able to hear it as I tried to keep a neutral look on my face.

"Then what do you suggest that he do?" Asked Eris who had her arms crossed as Celestia looks toward me with a sad look.

"I believe it would be best for him hide somewhere outside of canterlot and Ponyvile until heat season ends. Though it does sadden me to ask you leave but knowing how relentless the mares will get during heat season it seems to be the only option." She said as Luna nods at her sister as she also has a sad expression.

"I agree with my sister though there is also the issue of masking your power so that neither I nor my sister are able to track you when our heat begins." Luna mentions as she brings up a good point since it was because my power that I Celestia had found me near the old castle in the woods.

I then raised my hand as a thought came into my mind as I closed my eyes and started to focus within myself as I could feel the energy within me start to dim down as I lowered my hand and opened my eyes as I noticed the three looking at me.

"The hell are you doing?" Asked Eris as smiled at them.

"I just found a way to mask my energy if you don't believe me try and sense it." I said as both Celestia and Luna lit up their horns only for them to gasp as they look towards me.

"Frank how is this possible I can't sense anything coming emanating from you?" Celestia said as I smiled at her reaction.

"I simply lowered the energy from within myself. I remembered something like this from a story I read where the hero can mask his power by dimming his energy from within though this also means that I cannot use my abilities like my dragon's breath, cry-o beam, sun cannon, and Lunar Spear require to me to raise up my energy." I said though I honestly must thank Dragon Ball Z for the idea as the sisters were impressed at this.

"You certainly are full of surprises Mr. McCloud makes me wonder what else you are capable of." Said Luna to which is simply shrug my shoulders.

"Well, he did fend off against a manticore and even out roared it causing the beast to run away with its tail between it legs. I didn't think you had the lung capacity to let out a roar like that for it sounded like something out of giant beast." Said Celestia as I chuckled at her comment since the roar was something based of a giant monster.

"That is because it was another one of my abilities called Beast Roar and like you said before allows me to let out a loud roar. It is something that I use to show dominance toward any living creature making them submit to me or runaway in fear though depending on what type of creature it is measures how loud the roar is. Though if you're wondering why I didn't show this ability during the demonstration is because I didn't want to give anyone the idea that I am someone to be feared plus I doubt you wanted to see your guards lock up and hit the ground from my roar." I said as though I could tell the sisters did not like the fact that I kept something like that from them though they were able to see my reasoning.

Frank...My name is Frankحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن