All Good Things

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(TW for animal death.)

A week went by. Then two, then three. Leslie struggled to fix their grades, moved herself to the back of class so she wouldn't piss off their teachers and spent their lunch period studying until her eyes went bleary. When all grades but the one in math class went up by a letter, Margret took her out for supper in celebration.

On the weekends, she went skateboarding again. Their two buddies gave them Hell about becoming a bookworm until she brought up their own shitty grades, which made things tense for a little while. Skateboarding sessions soon turned into an amalgamation of skateboarding and studying sessions. Leslie found herself growing closer to the three boys than she intended to.

And every time they went to the barn, they brought in Hunter to shower him with love and spent at least an hour hanging out with Luxury; who always seemed to be inside.

"Who's Luxury?"

Leslie blinked and found themself back in the present. She looked down and realized they'd been doodling the mare in their notebook.

"Who is this Luxury?" Jordan asked, tapping on the doodle with a grimy finger.

"She's just a horse." Leslie-Anne shoved his hand off irritably. "Don't get your dirty hands all over my shit."

"She must be some horse if you're putting that much detail into her."

"It's not her fault they're a good artist," Aiden spoke up in Leslie's stead. "Now shut up and work on your notes. You want to pass English, don't you?"

"Push off. Tony, are you done yet? I'm getting hungry."

Tony didn't react, his nose buried in a book. Aiden smirked. "Sorry, man; looks like you're the only distracted one here."

Despite their annoyance, Leslie couldn't help smiling to herself. They had met Jordon, Aiden and Tony maybe a year ago and they were already her closest friends.

Aiden Stein was the leader of the group, in a sense. With wild hair often dyed some shade of green and sparkling amber eyes, he'd be any straight girl's dream guy if he ever bothered to interact with them. From what he had told Leslie about a week after they met: it wasn't that he wasn't interested in them, it was more that he didn't care about romance at all. Girl, guy, or any other gender.

Jordon Morgan was a bit of a bully. He lives to push around Leslie and drags Aiden to every social event that'll let him bring a friend, convinced that if he'd just talk to someone then maybe he'd get a date. He means well, however; but his mulleted brown hair and small blue eyes usually end up getting him pegged as a bully anyway.

Tony Baker was more often than not the voice of reason. He was a quiet guy, the first one Leslie came out as demigirl to and the one to help Jordon find out that he wasn't broken, he was gay. Tony was the tallest out of the original trio, standing at 6 foot 4 with all the gangly limbs and awkward knees to go along with it until he hit puberty (according to Aiden, anyway).

They were the most cliché skateboard boys possible, they sometimes got grief for letting a girl into their group and they made sure there was always a space for Leslie-Anne with them no matter where they were going or who was going to be there. Leslie-Anne smiled inwardly as she ruffled Jordon's hair, deliberately messing up his mullet and jeering when he whined about it.

'I don't know where I'd be without these fools.'

"Well, I think that's all the studying that I can stand." Tony closed the book he was reading and stood up, stretching his hands over his head. "Who wants to get some lunch?"

"Fucking FINALLY!" Jordon shot upwards. "I've been trying to get these two to let me get some food for hours!"

"We've only been here for one hour," Aiden shot back.

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