Beloved Bounty Hunter and Luxury

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'What I wouldn't give to own a place like this.'

Leslie watched the car slowly roll past smartly blanketed horses and red painted fences. The pastures seemed to go on for forever, stretching almost all over the land.

And somewhere in there, a quirky Welsh pony was waiting for her.

Leslie has been riding at Red Hook since they were old enough to start learning how. Margret kinda-sorta pushed her into it, but it was one of the few things they weren't complaining about; as it made her genuinely happy and was great stress relief after being bossed around at school all day. (Granted, they got bossed around a bit while at the stable, but it was either bossing to perfect their show form or for the good of the horses; so it was a tiny bit easier to let slide.) She's been riding there for so long that the owner of the stable had started considering building a loft above the barn for them to move into as a permanent stable hand...Or so she told them.

The dirt driveway was long and slightly potholed, with bare patches showing through some of the gravel. Margret expertly avoided them and slowly rolled into the parking lot. Leslie barely waited for the car to be turned off before she pushed the passenger-side door open and pulled themself out into the sun.

"I'm gonna go ahead in," she said to Margret as they started walking. "I really want to get Hunter started early."

"You know your instructor won't arrive for another five minutes, right?" Margret asked.

"Yeah, so that's five free minutes spent with my old man."

The airy red stable echoed her footsteps as they strode in. Two curious horses poked their heads out of their stall doors as she started towards the tack room, leaving her unable to resist petting them first. After a little bit of horsie love, Leslie set up the outside of Hunter's stall with their riding tack and pulled free his beat-up halter and lead rope before heading for the pasture.

"Have you thought about what horse you're going to have take Hunter's torch?" Margret asked, catching up with her at the stable door.

"What, like my dream horse?" Leslie shrugged. "Maybe someone like Colin. A big black beauty with a heart of gold."

"Sweetie, Colin is a thoroughbred. I'm sorry, but I don't have the kind of money for that."

"Why, what's our budget?"

Margret counted on her fingers. Leslie paused at the gate to Hunter's shared pasture, watching her mentally count before she gave them an answer. "About $5,000."

"Jesus, mom. Did you sell an organ on the internet?"

"Not quite. Problem is, good eventing thoroughbreds can go for as much as $15,000. I'm not remortgaging the house just to buy you a horse, honey; I love you but not that much."

Leslie grinned despite themself. She unlatched the gate and pushed it open, holding it just long enough for Margret to come through before latching it shut behind them.

"What about a quarter horse?" They asked. "Can I have a black quarter horse? Or maybe another Welsh pony?"

"You've far outgrown ponies, don't you think?" Margret pointedly looked at Leslie's legs. "Hunter is one thing, he was your first. I think it's about time you got something a little more your size by now, though."

"Can I keep Hunter?"

Margret shook her head. "I'm sorry, but no. I don't have the money to pay boarding fees for two. But! I talked to Poppy and she said she'd buy Hunter off of us and let him retire here."

Leslie smiled sadly. "So he wouldn't be mine, but I'd still get to see him."

"Absolutely." Margret put her arm around her child and pulled them against her. "I would never sell him off on you. I doubt Poppy will, either."

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