Chapter Six

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I look down at my failed test, and I'm not surprised. I'm awful at science, ever since I can remember.

I can hear the excitement in other people's voices as Mrs. Carter hands out their test, most of them getting A's. Even Erik, who's sitting next to me, looking at the teacher, got an A. I didn't mean to just look without permission, some people don't like that; the text lies on the table right between us. It was hard to miss the grade.

I'm not sure how I'll get through science this year without failing the class entirely. I'm pretty average in my other subjects, which I am happy with, but because of that, failing a class is not an option.

"Anne, do you have a moment?" Mrs. Carter comes towards my seat as I start packing once the bell rings. She doesn't really wait for a response as she continues "We both know how you barely got through last year with your grades. I don't want to insinuate the same will happen this year as well, but I believe this test, which was quite simple, shows that you might need help in this subject."

I look at her, thinking about it. She's not wrong, and I know where she's going with it. I find it nice of her to care about her student's grades, she has always been the type of teacher everyone likes. It's unfortunate that I can't say the same for the subject she teaches.

I nod at her words as I try to think of someone that I can suggest for tuition.
"I could help her." a deep voice I seem to not hear most of the time gets heard from my right side. I didn't notice he was still sitting next to me while the others already got out.

'Why was he still here though?'

I am surprised by his suggestion and at the same time curious about his intention behind it. Both me and Mrs. Carter look at him as he continues "I was pretty good at science at my old school, so I could help her study."

"Oh no, you don't have to bother about it, I'm sure I can find someone who ca-" before I get to finish my sentence, the teacher interrupts me excitedly, her voice slightly higher than usual. "This is perfect!" She looks between me and Erik, her face lighting up "You already are in the same class and sit next to each other, which means you can ask Erik whenever you're confused about it." she smiles, wrinkles showing up her face. "I hope I'll see improvement, Anne."

She steps back as me and Erik leave the class. He looks very attentive at me as we're leaving, before saying "Can I get your number?".

I didn't expect him to be so direct. I look at him, confused, one of my brows lifting up, as I wait for further explanation.

He looks calm, his eyes lighter than usual, as he speaks in a nonchalant voice "I will need to text you in case of anything regarding science." he shrugs, making this seem as the most common thing to do.

"You don't need to help me though, I'm serious." I take a quick breath in between, rushing to finish my explanation before he can argue. "I'm sure I can ask my friend for help."

He looks at me intensely as I talk. I once again fail to notice my surroundings as I put my full attention on him. The hallway is full of people, some giving me ugly looks as I talk to Erik, but I can't seem to care right now.

"Anne" he calls my name clearly. "I didn't ask whether or not you want my help. You can always just go back and tell Mrs. Carter that you refuse and want someone else. I'm keeping my word. Can I get your number now?" he asks again, this time more demanding.

While I thought Chris radiated a dominating presence, someone else has now surpassed him. Erik seems so calm, it feels soothing in some way. He seems to have a great level of patience, looking unbothered by my lack of cooperation. 

I sigh, giving in as I know there's no way of winning since what he said was entirely true. I do think he could just not help me, but it looks like he is determined to stay true to his words.

I take out my phone and give him his number. He nods and writes it down before heading towards the canteen in a rush as he sees the time. I suppose he could've waited for me since I was going to meet Sarah there, but I guess he didn't want to upset Chris.

Seeing Sarah waiting outside of the canteen as she looks through her phone, I put the encounter with Erik aside, in order to enjoy today's cheap school meal together withmy best friend.

We sit at our usual table, one of the cleanest in this room. With hundreds of people using the canteen, this room can't stay clean for the sake of it.

I talk with Sarah about the usual, before I mention Erik proposing to help me in science.
"He did what?!" she literally gasps. I can't hold back my laughter at her surprised gesture.

"I even gave him my number" I pointed to my phone with the fork I'm holding while eating.

"This should be on national news!" she shouts whispering, her hand gestures becoming aggressive. It is genuinely funny to see reaction to something that feels so basic yet weird for me. I don't have the words to describe the situation between me and Erik.

"Why are you whispering?" I raise one brow, trying to mimic her lowered voice.

She comes closer to me, demanding to get close to her like people do in movies. "So people don't get jealous. Not sure if you noticed, but there are some girls, especially the 'blondies', who would kill for him."

I scoff at her answer. "You know you're blond too, right?"

"Not the point Anne. The girls who hang around Chris obviously have awakened interest in Erik. What I'm trying to suggest is just to look out." she points out. I can't give her a reaction or a comment back, because I can feel my phone vibrating with a notification appearing.

Sarah also looks at my phone as I take it and unlock it, only to see a message from an unknown number.

I forgot to give you my number. This is Erik.

Sarah didn't forget to gasp out of surprise once again. She's being overly dramatic and I love her for that.
I glance over the crowded place looking at Chris's table where Erik sits and I meet his gaze on me, looking as if waiting. Sarah grabs my arm to draw my attention "You should text him back!" her dramatic tone appeared again.

"That's what I had planned if you would let me breathe for a bit." I glance at her. She smiles apologetically making it look like she's innocent.

I have it now, thanks.

"That's a bit lame, don't you think?" She mocks me, slightly nudging me with her elbow. I laugh right as I get a message back.

We should meet when you've got the time. I know a small coffee shop in the area where we could study.

I need to get used to his direct manner of acting. There's obviously no hesitation, not that there should be. I glance at him, Erik doing the same, as I type.

Sure, I'm free after school.

I look back at him and the way his hair falls on his face as he looks down on his phone.

Perfect, wait for me after school and I'll drive us there.

I type a quick 'okay' without looking at him again, continuing my conversation with Sarah that has now shifted on the texts and my after school plan. I also get to quickly text my aunt about coming late, before Sarah forces me to 'spill the tea' about me and Erik like there's something between us.

There isn't; at least I think so.

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